Haloween Speed Festival
Brought to you by DJ Teflon & Entertainment Team.
Congratulations to the winner - Captain101
2nd Place - jimfinn
3rd Place - Douitashimashite

Thanks to all who participated and made this tournament fun.

This festival-style speed tournament is open to Freemiums.
By joining games you are deemed to have read and agreed to abide by the rules.
The password for all games: Witch
The tournament will run over two days.
Before joining, please check all rules and ensure you are happy with the times.
Map: Haloween Hallows.
Players per game: 2 - 4
Game Types: Standard, Terminator & Assassin
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
Fog of War: Yes and No
Round Length: Speed
Round Limit: 20 Rounds
Setup & Structure
- The tournament starts on Monday at CC Time: 2011-10-31 14:00:00 (18:00 PM BST).
(N.B. Delayed start to allow for more sign-ups.)
The last games will be created on Wednesday CC Time: 2011-11-02 15:00:00 (19:00 PM BST). After this any remaining games can still be played. Any unfilled games will then be deleted on Wednesday CC Time: 2011-11-02 19:30:00 (23:30 PM BST).
Players can join as many games as they wish.
Games will be 2-player, 3-player and 4-player.
Players will be ranked by kill points percentage.
This is calculated as follows:
- Each victory in 2-player standard games counts for 24 kill points.
Each victory in 3-player standard or assassin games counts for 36 kill points.
Each victory in 4-player standard or assassin games counts for 48 kill points.
Each kill in 3-player terminator games counts for 18 kill points.
Each kill in 4-player terminator games counts for 16 kill points.
(This reflects the real probabilities per kill according to player numbers.)
Each player's kill points are added up and divided by the number of games played to give a kill points percentage.
The player with the best kill points percentage will win the tournament outright.
The Tournament Winner will receive 6 months Premium and a General Achievement Medal.
The players finishing second and third will also be rewarded with a General Achievement medal.
Medal winners must have played at least 8 games including 3 of the 7 game types (2-player, 3-player standard, assassin & terminator & 4-player standard, assassin & terminator).
Important Rules
Other Speed Tournaments
Player List