by alaskanassassin on Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:31 pm
CONGRATULATIONS TO Pirlo and Zidane - 21 for pulling out a victory by 1 point!
Thanks all for playing!
I am going to borrow an idea from a tournament I participated in, although I can't remember who hosted it.
Everyone needs to be a doubles team.
Pick your home map and settings (no freestyle and no manual)
Premiums only due to the ammount of games.
There will be 8 rounds, 1 round of each teams map. I will randomize team order for the rounds.
For your home team round you will play each team on your map, totaling 7 games.
Once the first round finishes (or mostly finishes) we will move to the next round, until we have finished all 8 rounds.
You will receive 2 points for winning on your map. You will receive 3 points for winning on an opposing teams map.
During your home stand you will be in 7 games, during all other rounds you will only be in 1 game.
After all 8 rounds the team with the most points wins.
If their is a tie a best of 3 will take place, on a random map, with flat rate, foggy, chained. (The random map cannot be one of the home teams maps)
Any questions please ask! I would like this tournament to be quick and fun competition. Please feel free to jeer at each other, but all in good fun of course! If you can't handling jeering, please don't join! If anyone misses turns, or joining games, or takes the jeering from fun to mean, I reserve the right to remove you from the tournament.
I am leanent and understanding with joining games, and tolerant of jeering, but if you just become obnoxious, and mean, and its obvious you've lost the sense of fun then you will be gone! Thanks!
1. Alaskanassassin and shaneback (Feudal War, no spoils, chained, foggy)
2. aaronvollrath and beeps (Bamboo Jack, flat rate, sunny, chained)
3. koontz1973 and charmir (Luxembourg, flat rate, sunny, unlimited)
4. Revlisd and NickJP (Battle for Iraq, escalating, foggy, chained)
5. danryan and hairyp (WWII Poland, no spoils, foggy, chained)
6. pirlo and zidane - 21 (Oasis, no spoils, foggy, chained)
7. CoopClaret and will_mp40 (USA, escalating, sunny, unlimited)
8. theheadholes and pittsburgh00 (Tamriel, flat rate, foggy, chained)
1. GallantPellham and Ryno99 (Celtic Nation, Escalating, sunny, chained)
2. C_Dezi and Buddahbelly
Last edited by
alaskanassassin on Mon May 16, 2011 3:15 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Dice stats are irrelevant. If I roll the same amount of 6's as everyone else, but my opponents role 6's at the same time, that's what matters, what's rolled opposite my dice. How about how many total guys I've won and lost while attacking?