
Everybody is welcome, Just press āPOSTReplayā and write "inscribed"

Freemiums have to keep always ONE free slot, (even while playing one game, should try to be aware to join a 2nd game) while the tournement.
All the GAMES will be:
Random Map, 3 to 6 players, automatic, sequential, TERMINATOR, escalating, chained, fog of war.
You will begin with 4 points. While the tournament you are going to take 1 point for each person you terminate in every game, and you will lose 1 point when smbdy terminates you.
In this thread you can watch how the tournament is developping (you can find this thread just clicking on the top of the games of the tournament).
Fight 1. Start up. All the players ordering by CC-rank are going to participate in different arenas, always with he same settings ā...ā in 3 players games.
Fight 2. While round 1 is finishing everybody will pass to round 2, it will be 4 players games.
Fight 3. .While round 2 is finishing everybody will pass to round 3, ordered by CC-rank in this moment. will be 5 players games.
Fight 4. .While round 3 is finishing everybody will pass to round 4, ordered by CC-rank in this moment. will be 4 players games.
After this 4rd fight, are going to be knoked out all the players with 0 pt.
Fight 5 and nexts. Each round of games(fight) the lowests point players are eliminated. The games will be aproximately of 4 or 5 players until the end.
Only one of you can still aliveā¦ our winner Exterminator.

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