winner of the tournament
Nano The Great
no deadline

This tournament consists of 5 rounds.
rounds will be played in groups of 4.
the 1st and 2nd placed players will advance to the next round.
there will be 7 games in each round on the following maps:
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europa, North America, South America and Arctic.
all 7 maps will be played simultaneous (premium only).
in each game, the winner will receive 5p, runner-up 3p, 3rd place 1p, 4th nothing.
the 2 players with the most points after all 7 games have finished advance to round 2.
there will be 16 groups of 4 players in round 1
8 groups of 4 players in round 2
4 groups of 4 players in round 3
2 groups of 4 players in the semi-final
and 1 final group of 4 players in the grand final
playing conditions:
Automatic, Sequential, Flat Rate, Chained, Sunny
players will be randomly assigned to a group. players that played in the same group in round 1 will not play in the same group in round 2 etc
players must accept games within 48 hours. if not, a reserve player takes the place (round 1). players that don't accept games in rounds 2 through 5 within 48 hours are out of the tournament and will not be replaced.