Conquer Club

Some simple flat rate quads [Completed]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Some simple flat rate quads [Last Game finishing]

Postby MichelSableheart on Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:52 am

The Imperial Dragoons have managed to win the WWII Europe game, taking a winning lead in the final. With only the Rail Europe game still going, their 3-1 lead can't be overtaken.

Official announcement of the winner will wait till the last game has finished. In the meantime, I would love to hear your feedback.
Een van de Veroveraars der Lage Landen
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Re: Some simple flat rate quads [Last Game finishing]

Postby usernamer on Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:33 am

cheers for hosting the tournament Michel. Thought it was well run, kept up to date well, which is nice. Only improvement would've been if you let us win :P. well played ID
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Re: Some simple flat rate quads [Last Game finishing]

Postby JBlombier on Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:21 am

It was a nice tourney, because you get exactly what the title says you're gonna get. Our team was here to play some Flat Rate quads and guess what we did! The bracketform was the simple part, easy to understand. And a best of 5 should be enough to settle who's the best.
Perhaps in the future you could let more teams participate, but that's not really feedback, just an option. The way it is now is perfectly good though.

- JBlombier
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Re: Some simple flat rate quads [Last Game finishing]

Postby MichelSableheart on Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:34 am

Thanks for the comments, you both.

The last game is still ongoing, not much to report there.
Een van de Veroveraars der Lage Landen
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Colonel MichelSableheart
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Re: Some simple flat rate quads [Completed]

Postby MichelSableheart on Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:49 am

After a hard fought battle, the Imperial Dragoons have managed to win the Rail Europe game, taking the entire final 4-1, and thereby winning the tournament.

A well deserved congratulations to Edgron, Risky_Stud, Gifton and I_AM_BOGEY !
Een van de Veroveraars der Lage Landen
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Colonel MichelSableheart
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