What a sharp contrast to our last high high scoring game:
Tyler leads 2-0 and still batting in the fourth while they have one inning left to get something done 
#1 Highlander v. start: uckuki win 6 Triple
#2 Bogey v. start: uckuki win 9 single run scores
#3 Shaneback v. start: uckuki loss 7 strike out first out
#4 Bogey v. start: uckuki win 8 single -runner to third
#5 Highlander v. start: uckuki loss 6 fc so they threw runner out at home damn it
#6 Bogey v. start: uckuki loss 10 ground out to end the inning
#7 shaneback v. start: uckuki win 8 single
#8 Highlander v. start: uckuki loss 5 double play-two outs
#9 shaneback v. start: uckuki win 10 walked -runner on first two outs
#1 Highlander v. start: uckuki loss 7 struck out--three outs--end of second inning
#2 Bogey v. start: uckuki 91606 loss 8 strike out first out
#3 shaneback v. start: uckuki 9 win 7 double man on second one out
#4 Bogey v. start: uckuki 91606 loss 14 sac fly--runner moves to third two outs
#5 Highlander v. start: uckuki win 9 single--runner scores batter to first
#6 Bogey v. start: uckuki 91606 loss 5 out-would have been a double play but cant get 4 outs-end of third inning
#7 shaneback v. relief: alaskan loss 7 strike out first out
#8 Highlande v. relief: alaskan loss 8 strike out second out
#9 shaneback v. relief: alaskan win 6 triple--man on third-two outs in bottom of fourth
We have two outs in the bottom of the fourth with a man on third with 2 runs scored #1 alaskan v. start: Highlander win 16 sac so out
#2 uckuki v. start: Highlander loss 6 triple
#3 alaskan v. start: Highlander win 7 strike out for second out
#4 alaskan v. start: Highlander win 18 sac for third out--inning one in the books with no runs
#5 uckuki v. start: Highlander win 6 out at first
#6 mudfightv. start: Highlander win 7 strike out
#7 uckuki v. start: Highlander win 11 line out for third out and end of second inning
#8 mudfighter v. start: HA win 12 fly out
#9 mudfighter v. start: HA win 7 strike out
#1 alaskan v. starter: HA 91606 win 9 strike out-third out of third inning
#2 uckuki v. starter: HA 916065 loss 8 single
#3 alaskan v. starter: HA 91606 win 9 strike out
#4 alaskan v. starter: HA 91606 win 8 strike out
#5 uckuki v. starter: HA 916065 win 9 strike out for third out of fourth inning
#6 mudfighter v. starter: HA 91 loss 12+ out as it will be a sacrafice as we are in the 12th round
#7 uckuki v. relief: Bogey 9160 loss 6 triple
#8 mudfighter v. relief: Bogey win 6 FC--runner out at home -hitter reaches first base-two outs
#9 mudfighter v. relief: Bogey will win this will be the third out of the fifth--no runs through 5
They have NO runs in after five innings (unless something happens crazy in the mud bog game