ATP Tennis Tour – Dubai Open – Mixed Doubles
The Dubai Open tournament is a relatively new addition to the professional tennis tour and takes place from 5 April on the famous Helipad court.
Congratulations to the winners - BluU & DarkSheet

Each round will be the best of 3 sets.
This is a Doubles tournament, with 8 teams (16 players in total).
Each team must have at least one player with less than 2000 pts.
Players should join as a team. Players joining individually will be randomly assigned partners.[/b] If an odd number of players have joined individually at the point of the tournament filling then unfortunately the last individual player joining will be s reserve.
Freemiums welcome- although 3 games-at-a-time.
Joining Matches
Quarter-Final Draw
Previous ATP 2010 Events
Some of the other Tournaments by DJ Teflon