Round 2 match ups are posted in first post. unfortunately, 5 players have played the maps they chose. Since the first round took so long, it is understandable. PMs will be sent requesting new choices before we can move on.
It seems we have a conflict with the I Walk Alone tournament. Commander9 and Stokiepaul have both joined in that tournament, which sees players play EVERY map in CC. Also, mcshanester29 has played in every map available, adding the ones he had not played during the past few weeks waiting for the round 1 tie-breakers to end.
Therefore, unless at least one new Beta map comes out between now and tomorrow, they will all be replaced with reserves. While there are 6 maps nearing Final Forge in the map foundry, I cannot wait for those to be available.
Sorry for all of this, but I did not foresee an event like I Walk Alone causing such a conflict with existing tournament players. But having said that, they did chose to join that tournament and/or maps, knowing the rules of this tournament.