Sent to all players declaring the winner.
The final game is over, it has been a close one, but as always, we have to have a winner.
Final standings are.
sdh - hmsps - 3 losses / 4 win.
koontz1973 - charmir - 2 loss / 5 wins
capk81 - aalii - 2 loss / 5 wins
BluU - amirberner - 2 losses / 5 wins
dustin800 - sam02 - 4 losses / 3 wins
aaronvollrath - aspalm - 5 losses / 2 wins
wpbrj - pearljamrox2 - 5 losses / 2 wins
hagardunor - Pedrox - 4 losses / 3 wins
As you can see, we have 3 teams on 5 wins. In that event, if one team has beaten the others, that team wins the tournament. We do have an out right winner. The team that beat the other two is...
koontz1973 (me
) and charmir.
Game 8426313 beating CAPK81 and aalii
Game 8426312 beating BluU and amirberner
Sorry guys, I know that I am overdoing this one, nut it is my very first tournament win.
Thanks to you all for playing and I hope to see you all in the next one.