will's simple a-z of maps (F) FULL WINNER: WILL_MP40
Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:54 pm
by will_mp40
Hiya, this is the sixth one in the series of going through the maps in alphabetical order. The other tournaments have been a success and one has had a climax to the finish
show: Settings
feudal war automatic Seq escalating automatic fog No trench 30 round limit
show: How to sign up
All you need to do is put your name at the bottom i will go on challonge to do the random games and so no bias will be involved
show: What kind of tournament
it is a simple 16 player knockout where in you play somebody randomly and if you beat them your through next round and if your carry on winning you will win the tournament
show: players
will_mp40 frox333 razorvich quark_star babagonosh ejph rmjw10 Vartiovuori blonderic crazycolin vaicus Madstuthe1st serreski stuboy v.j. tbayjosh
Feel free to ask for questions
Re: will's simple a-z of maps (F)
Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:39 pm
by Frox333
BEST MAP EVER!! IN WILL!!!! but what kind of reinforcing is it? chained? adjacent? unlimited?
Re: will's simple a-z of maps (F)
Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:03 pm
by chapcrap
Can you clarify how many players are in the tournament? You can't play 8 player games on Feudal War. And are you really using challonge for this? I don't think it has a setup for 8 player games. I think this setup is probably just copied over from another tournament and needs updated.
Re: will's simple a-z of maps (F)
Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:47 pm
by ejph
Add me to the list please...