J.A.R.S. WINS!!!!
Robert E Nick = POC
Must have completed less than 1,000 games, did NOT play in MINI CLAN WAR I, II or III, are currently not in a clan, and are premium. No freemiums.
This tourney is an introduction to clan warfare. I am doing this tourney because I love clan wars and want others to know about it too.
I need 32 people to sign up. I will make eight 4-person mini-clans, randomly picked. Once the mini-clans are assembled, I will PM each of you so you can talk over what maps and setting you would like to use, as well as making a mini-clan team name.
A General Achievement Medal will be awarded to the Most Valuable Player - the individual with the best win percentage.

There will be 8 mini-clans of 4 that just have to win 3 mini-clan battles to be champions! Single Elimination.
Each mini-clan battle will consist of:
1 Quads team game (Random)
6 Triples team games (3 maps and settings picked by each mini-clan)
6 Doubles team games (3 maps and settings picked by each mini-clan)
Each person in the mini-clan must be used at least in 4 games total per round. Any indecisiveness from mini-clans about what maps to use, and if the deadline is missed for submitting them, then they become Random maps. All games should be reviewed for accuracy of my setting them up. ONCE a game starts, it counts.
~No beta maps
~No manual deploy
~No Freestyle
~No Speed
~No Trench warfare
~No unlimited forting on doubles games
jonofperu 21/5
sirgermaine 20/5
Robert E Nick = POC 18/9
adamcusack 14/10
Big Trouble in Little China
nicestash = POC 9/7
Moosaloupe 11/6
ProsthoDoc 9/7
ShogunSteve 9/10
Swanster 2/6
John DM = POC 5/4
nhrockski 2/6
chrgar4t 3/6
stompie 2/7
dieg0m = POC 1/7
Cheesily 2/7
rossagedasausage 2/6
Bob Loblaw
ninefingers 3/6
Deltafarce 3/5
MnM15 3/6
Philbro = POC 2/6
cooldeals 2/6
mikey4 1/7
GaleGore = POC 2/7
AndrewDang923 2/7
General_Tao = POC 10/8
Ms.Stumbleine Kicked out for refusing games
scotthansen1 9/8
pkobliska 11/6
joshua_b 4/9
Crazy 8s
XanderGamble 13/12
ewat = POC 15/10
drivebynight 12/13
andyf23 13/14
1. DrZoo
2. jisung
3. StewartTFrancis
4. blitzkreig2
Robert E Nick = POC
Must have completed less than 1,000 games, did NOT play in MINI CLAN WAR I, II or III, are currently not in a clan, and are premium. No freemiums.
This tourney is an introduction to clan warfare. I am doing this tourney because I love clan wars and want others to know about it too.
I need 32 people to sign up. I will make eight 4-person mini-clans, randomly picked. Once the mini-clans are assembled, I will PM each of you so you can talk over what maps and setting you would like to use, as well as making a mini-clan team name.
A General Achievement Medal will be awarded to the Most Valuable Player - the individual with the best win percentage.

There will be 8 mini-clans of 4 that just have to win 3 mini-clan battles to be champions! Single Elimination.
Each mini-clan battle will consist of:
1 Quads team game (Random)
6 Triples team games (3 maps and settings picked by each mini-clan)
6 Doubles team games (3 maps and settings picked by each mini-clan)
Each person in the mini-clan must be used at least in 4 games total per round. Any indecisiveness from mini-clans about what maps to use, and if the deadline is missed for submitting them, then they become Random maps. All games should be reviewed for accuracy of my setting them up. ONCE a game starts, it counts.
~No beta maps
~No manual deploy
~No Freestyle
~No Speed
~No Trench warfare
~No unlimited forting on doubles games
jonofperu 21/5
sirgermaine 20/5
Robert E Nick = POC 18/9
adamcusack 14/10
Big Trouble in Little China
nicestash = POC 9/7
Moosaloupe 11/6
ProsthoDoc 9/7
ShogunSteve 9/10
Swanster 2/6
John DM = POC 5/4
nhrockski 2/6
chrgar4t 3/6
stompie 2/7
dieg0m = POC 1/7
Cheesily 2/7
rossagedasausage 2/6
Bob Loblaw
ninefingers 3/6
Deltafarce 3/5
MnM15 3/6
Philbro = POC 2/6
cooldeals 2/6
mikey4 1/7
GaleGore = POC 2/7
AndrewDang923 2/7
General_Tao = POC 10/8
Ms.Stumbleine Kicked out for refusing games
scotthansen1 9/8
pkobliska 11/6
joshua_b 4/9
Crazy 8s
XanderGamble 13/12
ewat = POC 15/10
drivebynight 12/13
andyf23 13/14
1. DrZoo
2. jisung
3. StewartTFrancis
4. blitzkreig2