by pitrules88 on Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:05 pm
The tournament will be a 1v1 style on pitrules88's eight lucky maps:
Charleston - escalating, chained, sunny
Classic - flat rate, adjacent, sunny
Europe 1914 - no spoils, chained, fog
Great Lakes - no spoils, chained, fog
Midgard - no spoils, chained, sunny
Monsters - no spoils, chained, fog
Oasis - no spoils, chained, fog
USA - escalating, adjacent, sunny
All maps will be: standard, automatic, sequential, round limit 20.
The format will be a 32, winner advances to the next round. Each round, the two players will play all eight games at the same time, and the winner will advance while the loser is eliminated. 32 to 16, 16 to 8, 8 to 4, 4 to 2, 2 to 1.
If the score is tied 4-4, a tiebreak will be played on Pit's most hated map: Feudal War - escalating, chained, fog
All games in each round will be sent at the same time. Since eight games are played each round, the tournament is premiums only. Each player has 48 hours to accept all game invitations for each round or else they will forfeit and be replaced.
Good luck and have fun!
1. Drakkon
2. Larry46
3. Cascades
4. rmjw10
5. crazymilkshake5
6. Slavivlad
7. uk massive
8. harvmax
9. mcshanester29
10. bragsie
11. nesterdude
12. Linnick
13. CFC Bazza CFC
15. mr. CD
16. antcowan
17. andyplondon
18. Walslaf
19. Apokolips
20. azak848
21. rode orm
23. kirilko
24. Onagras
25. kcsam87
26. Gabriel13
27. ikkewij
28. israel.
29. pittsburgh00
30. Jason2000
31. DresdenSooner
32. machrs
1. uk massive vs. mcshanester29 - 3-5
2. nesterdude vs. larry46 - 5-3
3. linnick vs. bragsie - 4-5
4. azak848 vs. crazymilkshake5 - 6-2
5. slavivlad vs. israel. - 5-3
6. machrs vs. rkcved - 2-6
7. rmjw10 vs. drakkon - 4-5
8. jason2000 vs. tobiasan - 2-6
9. kcsam87 vs. mr. cd - 6-2
10. gabriel13 vs. walslaf - 2-6
11. andyplondon vs. apokolips - 7-1
12. cfc bazza cfc vs. cascades - 2-6
13. dresdensooner vs. rode orm - 3-5
14. kirilko vs. antcowan - 0-8
15. onagras vs. ikkewij - 2-6
16. pittsburgh00 vs. harvmax - 5-3
1. andyplondon vs. antcowan - 4-5
2. pittsburgh00 vs. drakkon - 2-6
3. nesterdude vs. mcshanester29 - 5-4
4. kcsam87 vs. ikkewij - 5-4
5. slavivlad vs. azak848 - 1-7
6. rode orm vs. rkcved - 5-3
7. bragsie vs. tobiasan - 2-6
8. cascades vs. walslaf - 3-5
1. drakkon vs. nesterdude - 1-7
2. tobiasan vs. walslaf - 3-5
3. antcowan vs. rode orm - 3-5
4. azak848 vs. kcsam87 - 4-5
1. walslaf vs. kcsam87 - 8-0
2. rode orm vs. nesterdude - 3-5
walslaf vs. nesterdude - 6-2
WINNER ***** WALSLAF *****
Last edited by
pitrules88 on Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:14 pm, edited 46 times in total.