King Edward Twin's Bane (WINNER: TOKLE)

This tournament will be 1v1, single elimination bracket. Seeding will be random. The first three rounds will be best of three, after that the semi finals best of five and finals best of seven. It is still open for freemiums, as the games can be played one at a time if needed.
We learned in the previous tournament how King Edward beat his twin brother in the Battle of Enfield, north of London. After the battle Edward had his brother executed, an act which gave him his moniker; Twin's Bane.
The City of London now surrendered to King Edward, who nevertheless continued the developments on the south bank.
Edmund's supporters in the north, however, did not accept Edward as their king. The late King Edmund had left behind two young sons, Alfred and Edmund, and the lords of the north had gathered in York and hailed the 13 year old Alfred as their king. Alfred demanded revenge for his father's murder and the next year he travelled to Wales to buy the assistance of Godwine Cild, who still commanded a lot of support from the nobility of Wessex. Alfred welcomed the idea of an invasion of Wessex, his one condition was that he would become the next king and that Alfred and his borther were both to relinquish their claims to the kingdom. Alfred agreed.
In 1050 the two armies crossed into Edward's teritories.
Please state when you sign up which side you want to fight for. Edward, Alfred or Godwine. (If you don't claim your allegiance I will select one randomly.)
If you know of any other personalities from the era that you feel could enter in to the story, you are very welcome to play for them
List of Kings of England