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WW Map Master [TPA2] ( finished ) (winner: cwinslow22)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:32 pm
by PepeAtila
Congratulations to our WW Map Master
=D> =D> =D>
=D> =D> =D>


This is a Tournament Players Association Year 2(TPA2) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments. All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA2 events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the TPA2 scoreboard in the Tournaments--> General Info forum to see how you're doing.

WW Map Master tourney
show: armies IN

Everybody is welcome, Just click “POSTReplay” and type.

Freemiums have to keep always TWO free slot, (even while playing one game, should try to be aware to join a 2nd game) while the tournement.

You will play 9 games in the different WW Maps:
WW Map, 3 to 6 players, automatic, sequential, SINGLE,
escalating, chained, fog of war.

WW map in each round.
Round 1. WWI Ottoman Empire
Round 2. WWII Poland ----> (History -sept 1939)
Round 3. WWII Eastern Front
Round 4. WWII Western Front
Round 5. WWII Europe
Round 6. WWII Australia ----> (History -july to nov 1942)
Round 7. WWII Gazala ----> (History -may to june 1942)
Round 8. WWII Ardennes ----> (History -dec 1944 to jan 1945)
Round 9. WWII Iwo Jima ----> (History -feb to march 1945)

The winner of the tournament (WW Map Master) will be this army with more troops at the end of the 9 battles.
(other maps about World War are not used in this tournament)
However If it is necesary an extra game to know who is the winner we will use.
Round 10. Stalingrad

- To start I will order players for the 1st battle by CC-rank, so the 4 high rank players will play in a game(battle field) and also the 4 next players and so on.
However for next battles I will avoid as much as possible repetition of same players in a battle field.

Each player(Army from now) will begin with 100 troops.

If you win a battle your Army win 30 troops.
The next round those Armies you defeated are not going to play in your same battle field, but they are also working for you. Each of those Armies(in your Axis) can give you 3 more troops if they win their own battles.
Your army will lose 10 troops when you are defeated.

show: example

In this thread you can watch how the tournament is developping (you can find this thread just clicking on the top of the games of the tournament).

Singles (3-8 players) format that is open to somewhere from 30-75 players.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:33 pm
by PepeAtila
1.- cwinslow22 ==> 331 troops + 4 extra in 114 rounds.
2.- uckuki ==> 322 troops + 4 extra in 159 rounds.
3.- dowian2 ==> 319 troops + 5 extra in 162 rounds.
4.- kizkiz ==> 279 troops + 4 extra in 122 rounds.
5.- Lindax ==> 239 troops + 5 extra in 164 rounds.
6.- Enormastitz ==> 239 troops + 4 extra in 170 rounds.
7.- JJ41375 ==> 236 troops + 5 extra in 134 rounds.
8.- angola ==> 205 troops + 4 extra in 168 rounds.
9.- DoomYoshi ==> 199 troops + 5 extra in 128 rounds.
10.- arno30 ==> 199 troops + 4 extra in 167 rounds.
11.- general cod ==> 196 troops + 5 extra in 119 rounds.
12.- shoop76 ==> 196 troops + 4 extra in 159 rounds.
13.- puppydog85 ==> 193 troops + 5 extra in 114 rounds.
14.- Fuzzy316 ==> 193 troops + 5 extra in 122 rounds.
15.- jwhite07 ==> 193 troops + 5 extra in 125 rounds.
16.- DimnjacarStef ==> 193 troops + 4 extra in 132 rounds.
17.- Gromph ==> 193 troops + 4 extra in 141 rounds.
18.- PepeAtila ==> 193 troops + 4 extra in 156 rounds.
19.- Leehar ==> 193 troops + 4 extra in 165 rounds.
20.- Ishihara ==> 193 troops + 4 extra in 171 rounds.
21.- Dukasaur ==> 190 troops + 5 extra in 121 rounds.
22.- wombat4 ==> 190 troops + 5 extra in 122 rounds.
23.- mviola ==> 190 troops + 5 extra in 159 rounds.
24.- Bones2484 ==> 190 troops + 4 extra in 154 rounds.
25.- Night Strike ==> 156 troops + 5 extra in 123 rounds.
26.- ScootChina ==> 156 troops + 5 extra in 137 rounds.
27.- Araldite ==> 153 troops + 5 extra in 133 rounds.
28.- thelord ==> 153 troops + 5 extra in 136 rounds.
29.- phantomzero ==> 153 troops + 5 extra in 151 rounds.
30.- ThrushAAX ==> 153 troops + 5 extra in 159 rounds.
31.- Charle ==> 110 troops + 5 extra in 124 rounds.
32.- Nailer X ==> 110 troops + 4 extra in 119 rounds.
33.- Theldin ==> 110 troops + 4 extra in 131 rounds.
34.- Tupence ==> 106 troops + 5 extra in 144 rounds.
35.- barterer2002 ==> 106 troops + 5 extra in 153 rounds.
36.- nebsmith ==> 103 troops + 4 extra in 150 rounds.

  • Game 11660994 dowian2 - Iwo Jima Axis => uckuki & cwinslow22 & Gromph & >+3> NONE (Ar Axis)
  • Game 11660997 shoop76 - Iwo Jima Axis => JJ41375 & ThrushAAX & Leehar & >+3> arno30 (Ar Axis)
  • Game 11660998 Lindax - Iwo Jima Axis => arno30 & ScootChina & angola & >+3> NONE (Ar Axis)
  • Game 11661000 Ishihara - Iwo Jima Axis => Theldin & Bones2484 & mviola & >+3> dowian2 (Ar Axis)
  • Game 11661002 puppydog85 - Iwo Jima Axis => Nailer X & thelord & general cod & >+3> NONE (Ar Axis)
  • Game 11661003 PepeAtila - Iwo Jima Axis => DimnjacarStef & Araldite & Enormastitz & >+3> Lindax (Ar Axis)
  • Game 11661004 kizkiz - Iwo Jima Axis => phantomzero & Charle & Dukasaur & Night Strike >+3> general cod (Ar Axis)
  • Game 11661005 wombat4 - Iwo Jima Axis => DoomYoshi & Fuzzy316 & jwhite07 & >+3> puppydog85 (Ar Axis)

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:34 pm
by PepeAtila

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:51 pm
by Tupence
In please

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:04 pm
by Night Strike
I'm in.

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:44 pm
by JJ41375
In Please.

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:17 am
by thelord
in pls

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:21 am
by Charle
In please

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:49 am
by dowian2
Yeah, I don't really understand the format. But I'm in.

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:43 am
by PepeAtila
Thank and welcome to:
Night Strike

dowian2 wrote:Yeah, I don't really understand the format. But I'm in.

I will try to explain the format . :D

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:21 am
by Enormastitz
I'll play

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:34 am
by wombat4
in please.

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:40 pm
by kizkiz
In please

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:43 pm
by Bones2484
Format looks really fun, would love to play.

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:44 pm
by Lindax
Bones2484 wrote:Format looks really fun, would love to play.

Same here!


Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 1 ) [new]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:53 pm
by angola
dowian2 wrote:Yeah, I don't really understand the format. But I'm in.

This made me laugh, because it's true.

I'll play as well.

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:59 pm
by mviola
in please

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:00 pm
by ThrushAAX
In please, thanks.

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:38 pm
by Nailer X
in plz

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:32 pm
by shoop76
in pls

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:05 am
by Ishihara
ok, I had to read that first post about a half dozen times, but I'm good now... so in, please.. . :lol:

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:15 am
by arno30
count me in

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:47 am
by Dukasaur

I would like to try this.

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 7 of 32 )

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:46 am
by PepeAtila
Thank you and welcome to:
Nailer X

Perhaps somebody who understands the format (and know better English than me :D ) can help with the explanation :lol:

Re: WW Map Master [TPA2] ( 20 of 32 )

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:20 pm
by phantomzero
in please