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Re: [64] Doodle Assassins, Strategy of Sheer Luck? [placehol

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:53 am
by Dukasaur

{I sounded a lot nastier than I meant to sound, so I'll just remove my comment.}

Re: [64] Doodle Assassins, Strategy of Sheer Luck? [placehol

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:19 pm
by DiM
luck and speed. no strategy whatsoever.

Re: [64] Doodle Assassins, Strategy of Sheer Luck? [placehol

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:35 pm
by sensfan
Dukasaur wrote:This is a totally inappropriate article for the Strategy forum. Strategy has no influence on the outcome of a Doodles Assassin game; it's 100% luck-of-the-drop. If you like buying lottery tickets, then sure, that's your right, but please go write about it in Freestyle and don't pollute the good name of Strategy with it.

Just my humble opinion.... :geek:

Hey, whoa there Duke! Sure there is some strategy involved. I've played doodle Assasins before and it is sure some strategy in it.

Luck is a-plenty but you also have to be careful when you play Doodle Assasin. Will you risk going through someone else's territory, when they have two territories left. Who is coming after you? How to hide from them. How do you reach your target b4 someone else does?

Re: [64] Doodle Assassins, Strategy of Sheer Luck? [placehol

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:52 pm
by Dukasaur
Yeah, you're probably right. Some element of strategy exists in every game.

Re: [64] Doodle Assassins, Strategy of Sheer Luck? [draft]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:37 pm
by crazymilkshake5
Ok, Draft is up :)

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [draft]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:15 pm
by Victor Sullivan
Hey, crazymilkshake5, I happened to find this: viewtopic.php?f=58&t=38086

I think it's worth looking into, though I skimmed.


Re: [64] Doodle Assassins, Strategy of Sheer Luck? [placehol

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:44 pm
by DoomYoshi
Dukasaur wrote:Yeah, you're probably right. Some element of strategy exists in every game.

DiM wrote:luck and speed. no strategy whatsoever.

There is a strategy, but once you figure it out it becomes luck.

For instance, there is strategy in the game of tic-tac-toe, so a player using a strategy against a player who is moving randomly will win. But, if both players know the strategy the game is pointless.

So here we have 2 ways to measure the element of strategy.

1 way (the regular way) is to determine how certain patterns of play affect the results of your game. Now, there are only a few strategies in the game, but there are strategies. One (the one I used for assdoodling) is all-out attack.

The 2nd way to measure strategy is to figure out how much playing randomly hurts your position. Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that playing randomly in an assdoodle will hurt you a lot. This is because it is an assassin game, so it has all the strategy inherent to assassin games, amplified (1 wrong attack could cost you the game in an 8-player).

Now, the question is how much is strategy, and how much is luck.


Note that this statement also holds true for SoC training games.

This article belongs in this section.

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [draft]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:53 pm
by crazymilkshake5
Would ya'll think that Doodle Assassin: Tips and Tricks. would be a better name for it?

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [draft]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:26 pm
by DoomYoshi
crazymilkshake5 wrote:Would ya'll think that Doodle Assassin: Tips and Tricks. would be a better name for it?

I like the current title. My favourite was The Strategy of Sheer Luck. Poetic almost.

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [Done?]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:56 am
by Leehar
You didn't interview the most successful doodle player in history with 10k+ points?

Tho I hear he got sent to boot camp :(

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [Done?]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:16 am
by crazymilkshake5
Leehar wrote:You didn't interview the most successful doodle player in history with 10k+ points?

Tho I hear he got sent to boot camp :(

And who would that be?

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [Done?]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:51 am
by Leehar

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [Done?]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:17 am
by crazymilkshake5
hmmm... i looked through his last 5 pages of games and found 7 ...

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [Done?]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:26 pm
by Leehar
As I said, he's partly retired now

Correction tho:
Doodle Earth36 Field Marshal +24458 1723 from 7648(23%) 1533 Serial Killer (58%)9508 Equalitarian (0.953)

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [Done?]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:01 pm
by DoomYoshi
crazymilkshake5 wrote:hmmm... i looked through his last 5 pages of games and found 7 ...

You should use map rank, I think is Leehar's point.

Re: [64] Doodle Assassin: Strategy or Sheer Luck? [Done?]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:00 am
by crazymilkshake5
good point, i just recently got rid of map rank... :/