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[Winners: First Post] Initech XXXII: Europe x2

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:31 pm
by Peter Gibbons
WINNERS: lipsondavid and mzomboracz001

The 32st version of Initech is a single-table Doubles event. In the Initech spirit, all games will be flat/chained/foggy. This tournament focuses on fifteen maps in Europe. I present Initech XXXII: Europe x2!

130-game, 1-round, 15-map tournament. Each team will play 15 games--one on each map. Games will vary between 2-team, 3-team and 4-team matches.

Premium only, sorry. You'll need more than 4 games open at all times.

All games will be Doubles, Automatic, Sequential, Chained, Flat Rate, Foggy.
1/3 of games will be 2-team matches, played on the following 5 maps: Luxembourg, Cyprus, Ireland, Iceland, Italy
1/3 of games will be 3-team matches, played on the following 5 maps: Benelux, British Isles, Germany, Malta, France
1/3 of games will be 4-team matches, played on the following 5 maps: Austro-Hungarian Empire, Balkans Peninsula, Iberia, Nordic Countries, Europa

2-team match wins are worth 5 points.
3-team match wins are worth 10 points.
4-team match wins are worth 15 points.

There are 1,150 total points available in the tournament. An individual team has a maximum of 150 points available to win.

This is a single-round, single-table tournament, with each team playing 1 game on each map. The draw will be completely random for each of the 15 maps, so the schedule will be unbalanced and individual teams may face particular teams more often than other teams.

In the event of a tie for first place on points, the first tiebreaker will be the most points taken from common games (games where the tied players were opponents).
The second tiebreaker will be the most wins in common 2-team games.
The third tiebreaker will be the most overall wins on the 4-team maps.
The fourth tiebreaker will be a head-to-head match on the Europa map.

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [18/24]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:31 pm
by Peter Gibbons
1. Peter Gibbons & ZionT
2. crazymilkshake5 & riskmaster101
3. friesuschrist & Jimmy V
4. aaronvollrath & beeps
5. lipsondavid & mzomboracz001
6. hmsps & tobikera
7. Struer & viskehesteren
8. Tin Trumpet & aspalm
9. MyTurnToWin & conquerhero
10. dmastrong & bigdill33
11. benga & V.J.
12. thelolosu & JiV
13. blonderic & alexlau
14. Silly Knig-it & jvantassel
15. Bigroo4601 & vicmasters
16. Lordhaha & Mr. Gix
17. swoopy00091 & humpty71
18. M00NZIE & small pox
19. 1stSplatter & megadeaf
20. nebsmith & nolefan5311
21. bmusic & Le HotSauce
22. NewCamus2 & El Superbeasto
23. djelebert & Yannixou
24. caribbean soul & JIMMYVIKING

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:18 pm
by Peter Gibbons
Team - Points
lipsondavid & mzomboracz001 - 100
friesuschrist & Jimmy V - 85
Struer & viskehesteren - 80
nebsmith & nolefan5311 - 80
dmastrong & bigdill33 - 75
hmsps & tobikera - 75
benga & V.J. - 60
Tin Trumpet & aspalm - 55
Lordhaha & Mr. Gix - 55
Peter Gibbons & ZionT - 50
bmusic & Le HotSauce - 50
M00NZIE & small pox - 45
crazymilkshake5 & riskmaster101 - 45
djelebert & Yannixou - 40
blonderic & alexlau - 40
Silly Knig-it & jvantassel - 35
aaronvollrath & beeps - 35
MyTurnToWin & conquerhero - 30
caribbean soul & JIMMYVIKING - 30
NewCamus2 & El Superbeasto - 30
Bigroo4601 & vicmasters - 25
thelolosu & JiV - 20
1stSplatter & megadeaf - 20
swoopy00091 & humpty71 - 5

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:42 am
by Riskmaster101
in please crazymilkshake5 and riskmaster101

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:08 am
by friesuschrist
In please...

Jimmy V

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:18 am
by aaronvollrath
in please:

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:10 pm
by Walter Sobchak
In please:


Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:44 pm
by hmsps
in please hmsps and tobikera

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:09 pm
by Viskehesteren
In plz

Struer + viskehesteren


Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:33 pm
by Tin Trumpet
in pls with aspalm

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:18 pm
by MyTurnToWin



Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [1/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:58 pm
by dmastrong
in please dmastrong with bigdill33

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [10/24]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:18 pm
by benga
benga and V.J.

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [11/24]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:04 pm
by JiV
In please :
thelolosu and JiV

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [11/24]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:34 pm
by blonderic
in please, blonderic and alexlau

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [11/24]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:39 pm
by Silly Knig-it
in please with jvantassel

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [11/24]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:30 pm
by Bigroo4601
in pls

Bigroo4601 & vicmasters

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [11/24]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:59 pm
by Mr. Gix
in please

Lordhaha and Mr. Gix


Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [11/24]

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:31 pm
by swoopy00091
In please , swoopy00091 & humpty71

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [11/24]

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:57 pm
by M00NZIE
In please:

small pox

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [18/24]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:35 am
by 1stSplatter
In please!


I hope I'm not too late!

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [19/24]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:14 pm
by nebsmith
In please
nebsmith & nolefan5311

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [19/24]

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:13 am
by bmusic
In please, bmusic and Le HotSauce

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [21/24]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:19 pm
by Peter Gibbons
Guess I need to bump this to get the final 3 teams...

Re: Initech XXXII: Europe x2 [21/24]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:21 am
by NewCamus2
NewCamus2 and El Superbeasto. Please.