Hello and welcome to my 14th tournament. All games will be 4-player games, until there are less than 4 players left. All games shall be sunny, and shall take place on a variety of maps, also listed below. I will accept Freemium members for this, but they'll have to devote 3 spots to the tourney at first. After the first three rounds, only one spot will be necessary to save for the tournament. All games shall be Sequential, Automatic, Escalating, Chained, and Sunny. Here's how the tournament will work:
16 players will play several 4-player games. Every player shall start with 5 lives. Lose a match, and lose a life. Win a match, and gain a life. Each game will take place on a different map. Opponents will be chosen randomly each round. The first 3 rounds shall be sent out all at once, and after that we will start playing only one or two rounds at a time. Sometimes, there will have to be matches with only 3 people in them.
When the tournament is down to 2 players, they will continue on the list of maps and play 1v1 games....the loser will lose a life, and the winner will not gain one. This will continue until only one player remains, who shall be crowned the champion.
If at some point we have exactly 5 players remaining in the tournament, they will play a 5-player game, where the winner gains two lives while everyone else loses 1.
If you want in, or you have any questions, please post on this thread!
This tournament thread has not been visibly updated in a while. By “visibly updated” I mean that the thread has not been bumped for at least 2 months by posting a new post or reply.
We routinely check the last few pages of the “Ongoing Tournaments” Forum for inactive tournaments. If your tournament thread is on those last pages, we have to check to see if your tournament is still active, which can be quite a lot of work.
Please help us in our quest to find inactive tournaments and update your thread regularly and then also post that you have updated it (if your tournament is still active). This will get the active threads and tournaments bumped to the first page, and significantly lessen our workload of checking for inactive tournaments.
For more information about updating your tournament thread and avoiding your tournament being labeled “inactive”, see also: Keeping Your Tournament Active & Updated
Thank you very much in advance,
tokle Tournament Director Abandoned & Rescued Tournaments
Re: The 4-player Beatdown [Rounds 10-11]
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:11 pm
by deantursx
Round 13 is coming soon!
Re: The 4-player Beatdown [Round 17]
Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:12 pm
by deantursx
We've moved onto Round 17!
Re: The 4-player Beatdown [Round 17]
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:29 am
by mcshanester29
This Tournament is Still Active
Re: The 4-player Beatdown [Winner = Leverpuller]
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:37 pm
by deantursx
Congrats to Leverpuller for winning the tournament with 3 lives to spare!