Conquer Club

Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (Winner Gromph)

Tournaments completed in 2012.

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Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (Winner Gromph)

Postby jimfinn on Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:44 am

56 Dukasaur

52 StackedAmazon
49 Gromph
41 sandman175
37 theheadholes
29 Marshallbobby

So I came up with a new idea: How about a series of 64 tournaments, of varying format and on varying boards, each with a theme? The winner of each gets to participate in the GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP, a NCAA basketball style tournament, with predetermined settings for each matchup! Win more than one, find yourself on multiple bracket lines and more chances to win it all. The winner of tournament 1 will get first pick of the 64 slots, tournament 2 second pick, and so on. Some tournaments will have teams, some singles. Some have Fog related settings, some Spoils settings, some on certain boards, some on any board.

Info about the Grand Finale and about the Series is available here:

This tournament (as hinted by the "time" in the title) deals with the seven maps on CC which have a specific year in their name. Players in this tournament will play one game in a group of 6 on each of the maps listed below, though the groups will not be the same for each game. All of these games will be Auto, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Sunny. Tourney points will be awarded as follows
1st - 10 points
2nd - 7 points
3rd - 4 points
4th - 2 points
5th - 1 point
6th - 0 points

2 or more players eliminated in the same turn by the same player will be considered to be tied, and the points for their places will be added up and divided equally among all tied players. The top 6 scoring players will advance to the final. In the final, players will play each map twice, once foggy and once sunny. The same scoring rules will be applied, and the player with the most points at the end is the winner. Points from the preliminary rounds do carry over. Freemiums are welcome, as only 1-2 games will be played at a time.

Flanders 1302
France 1789
Orient Express 1883
South Africa 1885
Transsib 1914
Europe 1914
Berlin 1961

1. deantursx
2. xman5151
3. gimli1990
4. rmjw10
5. Risk_Averse
6. fuzzy316
7. euetme5343
8. sandman175
9. Willo.kings
10. Gustavo70
11. Tomod
12. kuma32478
13. penguincrab
14. leverpuller
15. leatherhead
16. traffic133
17. hagardunor
18. Jimmy V
19. Gromph
20. mpjh
21. friesuschrist
22. theheadholes
23. DoomYoshi
24. StackedAmazon
25. Dukasaur
26. kirillk
27. polo9587
28. spartacus65
29. rjhankey
30. grant.gordon
31. paws1610
32. Riskmaniac31
33. gabjoh
34. rgrjoey001
35. zissou2
36. marshallbobby

document with tourney standings is linked here.
Numbers next to a player are simply their order of signup. Random column is being used to make pairings. Round 7 will feature all non-clinched but still able to advance players in as few games as possible, all others will be fully random.

Extra reserves:
Lt. Futt
Last edited by jimfinn on Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:19 am, edited 34 times in total.
Jimfinn is looking for regular doubles/triples/quads partners. Please contact him if you are interested!
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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (0/36)

Postby deantursx on Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:08 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (0/36)

Postby xman5151 on Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:30 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (0/36)

Postby gimli1990 on Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:22 am

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i love we finally got AA otherwise known now as trench YES!!!!!
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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (3/36)

Postby rmjw10 on Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:01 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (3/36)

Postby Risk_Averse on Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:25 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (5/36)

Postby Fuzzy316 on Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:05 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (6/36)

Postby euetme5343 on Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:23 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (7/36)

Postby sandman175 on Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:07 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (8/36)

Postby Willo.Kings on Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:19 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (8/36)

Postby Gustavo70 on Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:21 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (8/36)

Postby Tomod on Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:41 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (11/36)

Postby kuma32478 on Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:22 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (12/36)

Postby penguincrab on Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:58 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (13/36)

Postby Leverpuller on Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:33 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (14/36)

Postby Leatherhead on Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:26 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (15/36)

Postby traffic133 on Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:44 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (16/36)

Postby hagardunor on Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:51 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (17/36)

Postby Jimmy V on Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:56 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (17/36)

Postby Gromph on Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:35 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (17/36)

Postby mpjh on Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:37 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (20/36)

Postby friesuschrist on Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:02 am

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (20/36)

Postby theheadholes on Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:59 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (20/36)

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:35 pm

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Re: Jim's Tourney Series #10: Escalating Time! (20/36)

Postby StackedAmazon on Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:10 am

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