I'm noticing a dearth of 8-man escalating tournaments, so I'll try to once again fill the void.
The big switch this time is that every player gets to choose their own map. You get to choose your map and then I will use Random.org to make the player groups and everyone will play each other on their home maps.
Maps may be used multiple times by different players, but they must allow for 8 players to play on them.
You can change your map each round.
Only Premium players
You will play eight games at a time each round.
This will be a 64-person tournament.
Round 1 will be eight groups of eight.
Round 2 will be four groups of eight.
Semifinals will be two groups of eight
Finals will be 8 players.
Automatic Sequential Escalating chained no fog
Winner receives 12 points
second (last player eliminated) gets 7 points third 6 points fourth 5 points fifth 4 points sixth 3 points seventh 2 points eighth (first player eliminated) 1 point
If two players are tied, then a series of tie-breakers will be used. First tie-breaker is wins, second tie-breaker is second-place finishes, third tie-breaker is third-place finishes, and so on.
If multiple players are tied, a tie-breaker game will be played with the same settings with all the players tied.
If you don't accept invites once they've been sent, then you will be kicked out of the tournament.
FINALS DONE 1. angola, 46 (wins because he had 1 second place and HerrZ had no second places; both had 2 wins) 2. HerrZ, 46 3. reahma, 44 4. drunkmonkey, 43 5. MyTurnToWin, 39 6. uckuki, 35 7. ultraman, 34 8. deantursx, 33
Last edited by angola on Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:00 am, edited 40 times in total.
Winner of UEFA Cup 2007/2008 Tournament Winner of Points Grabber I & IV Winner of Satellite for 19th RISKTOC, but was to broke to go. Highest points 2153, Highest place 474th