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TLO 2012 IV [Winners: Harem Kings]

Tournaments completed in 2012.

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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Lindax on Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:53 pm

nolefan5311 wrote:You sent invites this morning? Did dr.lucas decline those invites? If not, shouldn't he be given at least the amount of time for the invite to expire?

nolefan: This is an answer not only to your post, but also to your PMs.

Do not make this about me please. I sent invites this morning as a favor, because it is the first round. It doesn't mean that the 48 hours is suddenly extended. I have done everything in my power to advice people on how this tournament would work. The rules, the schedule, everything has been posted for weeks now. I sent PMs to make sure you would all know what this tournament is about and how it works. I enforced the rules, there is no way I'm going to "unenforce" them.

As I have mentioned before, this tournament is complicated and not easy to run. If teams don't get player assignments in, don't get their players to join games in 48 hours (two days!), its their problem, not mine. I facilitate, and it's the responsibility of the players and their Team Captains to join games, etc.

Your PMs made me really feel bad, I don't want forfeited games in this tournament. I don't want teams feeling that they are starting at a disadvantage because of forfeited games. I don't want to feel bad about it. You know what? I didn't even want to run this 4th version of the tournament, because it's a huge commitment and a lot of work. And from previous version I exactly know where the problems lie. I decided to run this because people kept asking me to. And decided that the only way to do it is by being strict and follow my own rules. And you know something else? Having two teams already forfeit a bunch of games in round 1 makes me wish I had not decided to run this tournament again. It makes me unhappy and makes me feel like shit.

I have started it now though, and I will see it through. So, get your act together or tell me right now you can't hack it. We just started, so I can get another team to play.

I could go on, but I'm going to log off now. All I will say is that I try to make this fair and fun for everybody, even though I get little or no enjoyment from it myself when it gets to this.

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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby nolefan5311 on Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:22 pm

Nothing in my PM was confrontational, placing blame on you, or anything of the sort. My PM's were not intended to make you feel bad, and I'm sorry you took it that way. I just explained that neither me, nor my teammates, have ever played in a tournament of this caliber and did not expect it to be this strict. I just requested you resend the invites and give us a reprieve for the first round error. I'm not sure how this devolved into me "making this about you". As Team Captain, I felt it was my responsibility to petition you to recreate the games. If not, that's fine, and again, no where in my PM did I get confrontational or anything of the sort. What sort of Team Captain would I be if I didn't at least ask?

As far as your reluctance in running the tournament, I'm not sure how that has anything to do me with at all. I'm sorry you feel that way I guess? We appreciate you running it and appreciate you letting us play, and I'm sorry my teammate did not join the games in a timely manner forcing you to score it as a forfeit. Like I stated in my PM, I won't let this happen again.

And I don't appreciate the "get my act together or tell me you can't hack it" statement. What have I done, other than petition you to recreate the games, and explain the circumstances behind my teammate failing to join? I feel that's uncalled for and unnecessary. I've been proactive about sending you the lineups, signing up my team, etc., and plan on sending you the lineup for next week's matchup in the next day or two. Nowhere did I give you any sort of hint that my team was out if the results weren't changed, and I fully intend for my team to play the whole thing through, regardless of the disadvantage to start the tourney.

If we're being booted from the tournament because of my failure to monitor my teammates joining the games, or because my rather innocuous PM's offended you, then let me know.
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:39 pm

If the same rules apply to everyone then it is safe to say the rulings are fair. Of course it is far from an ideal situation when teams start forfeiting games, but nevertheless it is still a better remedy than the alternative. Lindax has run this tourney for a number of years now, single-handedly, and he's only too aware of just how troublesome it is to send out reminders to absent players. Each team has a captain whose duty it is to select the line-ups and ensure the places get filled. It is not as if Lindax is sending PMs to players who are not expecting a game - they must know they are due to play when the teams were arranged by the captain one week before.

There is also an 'unseen' problem if, instead of a forfeit, a reminder/invite is constantly being sent out to an absent player. That unseen problem is that it is unfair on the other team who has joined all its games on time. Why should they have to wait? Maybe some of the team members are going on holiday, etc. I know when I pick my teams I do it based on immediate availability, knowing that each team member can contribute to chat & strategy. I don't want my games to be delayed because someone on the other team can't join in time - that's not fair to the team who has done everything right.

Had Lindax waited any longer, or given '2nd chances', he would have set a precedent that he would have had to follow for the rest of the tourney and I can perfectly understand why he wouldn't want that to happen. This was a wake-up call for everyone to get his/her business sorted.
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby nolefan5311 on Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:46 pm

I agree with everything you posted, COF. As I've stated plenty of times, this is the first time me or my teammates have ever played in this tourney, so I was unaware of issues in previous versions of this tournament. I apologized, and ensured this would not happen again. I don't know what more I can do. Perhaps me requesting an exception for the first round was crossing a line, and if so, I apologize. The issue was I was not clear enough with my team that they should not be expecting invites, but should instead expect PMs for their game assignments. Wake up call received. Let's just move past it.
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:18 pm

Both of your replies have been really good mate. Respect. And yeah....moving on.
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby HardAttack on Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:55 am

Hey Lx,
hear me bud,
you did what you had to do, nothing wrong with what way you took here and all based on the rules, you did not ever transpassed the rules but did what rules asked you to do. So, no way, please never feel bad about it.
This memento mori guys are ok fellas, just they got frustrated, surprised and shocked...Un this part of the theater, Lx, you have got nothing wrong.
If you ask me, you are doing a great job, and maybe more than a great job...
Theh have got a team captain, dont do they ? So, what use of team captains ? I am telling you Lx, you are doing more than neccesary IMO, you are dedicating yourself into this, giving time and effort. Not only i but we all should be appreciating to you for your priceless efforts.

Team captains, in this extend, team captain of memento mori, whoever you are, lazy to check then see the name, pal, what do you do here pal but not checking if your games are filled in time, see if your guys are sitting in the games they are supposed to sit in given time, and so on.
In my team master fenrir is team captain, i know he is doing his job great keeping eye on everything relevant, but hear me, i am double checking games, to see if anything missing too, doing this to double check in order us not to get any toruble...

So, this speech you are doing here should not be targetting Lx, or should not be demanding from him but MAKE PRETTY SURE that to set a better communication with leader/team captain then this not to happen again.

This looks like to me a car driver using/driving his car faster than allowed speed then complaining to the officer about the fine he recieved from his making speed than allowed.

Btw, the result now you have got against us, is the best result you wud have had if played :lol: :lol:
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby nolefan5311 on Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:49 am

HardAttack wrote:Hey Lx,
hear me bud,
you did what you had to do, nothing wrong with what way you took here and all based on the rules, you did not ever transpassed the rules but did what rules asked you to do. So, no way, please never feel bad about it.
This memento mori guys are ok fellas, just they got frustrated, surprised and shocked...Un this part of the theater, Lx, you have got nothing wrong.
If you ask me, you are doing a great job, and maybe more than a great job...
Theh have got a team captain, dont do they ? So, what use of team captains ? I am telling you Lx, you are doing more than neccesary IMO, you are dedicating yourself into this, giving time and effort. Not only i but we all should be appreciating to you for your priceless efforts.

Team captains, in this extend, team captain of memento mori, whoever you are, lazy to check then see the name, pal, what do you do here pal but not checking if your games are filled in time, see if your guys are sitting in the games they are supposed to sit in given time, and so on.
In my team master fenrir is team captain, i know he is doing his job great keeping eye on everything relevant, but hear me, i am double checking games, to see if anything missing too, doing this to double check in order us not to get any toruble...

So, this speech you are doing here should not be targetting Lx, or should not be demanding from him but MAKE PRETTY SURE that to set a better communication with leader/team captain then this not to happen again.

This looks like to me a car driver using/driving his car faster than allowed speed then complaining to the officer about the fine he recieved from his making speed than allowed.

Btw, the result now you have got against us, is the best result you wud have had if played :lol: :lol:

I honestly have no clue WTF you just said. Perhaps you should mind your own business and let me captain my team the way I see fit. That work for you?
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Lindax on Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:14 am

nolefan: What made me post what I did was the fact that after you asked me by PM if anything could be done and my answer: "No, it's too late now, sorry", you didn't take no for an answer and send me another two PMs. Then I saw your post here about the invites. I decided to post in here so that everybody could see "how it is".

I didn't mean for you to take it personally and I was a bit harsh, for which I apologize. The remark about getting your act together was definitely meant in general btw.

As I wrote in my PM to the Team Captains: If you want to help your team and me, be pro-active. Don't come to me after the fact. I actually sent the invites because one of your opponents advised me that some of your games were not filled yet and suggested that I send a reminder. If you would have sent me a PM before the deadline ended explaining that dr.lucas isn't used to joining games sent by PM, I would have given your team more time, once the deadline has past and games have been forfeited, it's too late.

I will not boot your team or any team from the tournament because one player didn't join his games once. In fact you'll find I'm pretty lenient, as long as people are pro-active.

My apologies for anything I said you find "uncalled for" and like you said, let's move on.

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank all of you that have been pro-active so far and have made things easier for me.

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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Graceless_ on Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:26 pm

HardAttack wrote:Hey Lx,
hear me bud,
you did what you had to do, nothing wrong with what way you took here and all based on the rules, you did not ever transpassed the rules but did what rules asked you to do. So, no way, please never feel bad about it.
This memento mori guys are ok fellas, just they got frustrated, surprised and shocked...Un this part of the theater, Lx, you have got nothing wrong.
If you ask me, you are doing a great job, and maybe more than a great job...
Theh have got a team captain, dont do they ? So, what use of team captains ? I am telling you Lx, you are doing more than neccesary IMO, you are dedicating yourself into this, giving time and effort. Not only i but we all should be appreciating to you for your priceless efforts.

Team captains, in this extend, team captain of memento mori, whoever you are, lazy to check then see the name, pal, what do you do here pal but not checking if your games are filled in time, see if your guys are sitting in the games they are supposed to sit in given time, and so on.
In my team master fenrir is team captain, i know he is doing his job great keeping eye on everything relevant, but hear me, i am double checking games, to see if anything missing too, doing this to double check in order us not to get any toruble...

So, this speech you are doing here should not be targetting Lx, or should not be demanding from him but MAKE PRETTY SURE that to set a better communication with leader/team captain then this not to happen again.

This looks like to me a car driver using/driving his car faster than allowed speed then complaining to the officer about the fine he recieved from his making speed than allowed.

Btw, the result now you have got against us, is the best result you wud have had if played :lol: :lol:

Hahaha can we get a translater in here?
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby agentcom on Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:11 pm

Benzorrr wrote:

Hahaha can we get a translater in here?

I have a rule about the use of "LOL." I only use it when something actually makes me laugh out loud. And I am still laughing.

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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Master Fenrir on Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:04 pm

agentcom wrote:
Benzorrr wrote:Hahaha can we get a translater in here?

I have a rule about the use of "LOL." I only use it when something actually makes me laugh out loud. And I am still laughing.


I know, right?! It's like, in some places on this planet, English isn't their native language?! I mean, what's that about? LOL

(I'm laughing because you're simple.)
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:30 am

Master Fenrir wrote:
agentcom wrote:
Benzorrr wrote:Hahaha can we get a translater in here?

I have a rule about the use of "LOL." I only use it when something actually makes me laugh out loud. And I am still laughing.


I know, right?! It's like, in some places on this planet, English isn't their native language?! I mean, what's that about? LOL

(I'm laughing because you're simple.)

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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby HardAttack on Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:49 am

i am glad i have amused you benzorr and agentcom pals;
how nice, isnt it ?

also, sorry nolefan, i didnt mean to hurt you this big, or even say hurting you was not my intention...
but laid down what i think about the matter, you have to be more carefull with the organization, responsibilities, schedule and so on.
ty reminding me to own my business but not yours, i ll take it, thank you for advice.
hmm, my language, if it did hurt you, i appologize heartly. Again, not my intention to hurt you bud.

thank a bunch fenrir & cof,
always your kind touches and understandings to and on the matters pals.
cheers :)
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Lindax on Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:39 am

I can never read HardAttack's posts or PMs without a smile on my face. :D

Reminds me of Tommy Cooper performing magic tricks, I love it!

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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Update]

Postby Lindax on Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:13 pm

I posted the following links in the post with the round info on page 1:

See All Round 1 Games | See Active Round 1 Games | See Completed Round 1 Games

For the Schedule, Maps & Settings and other Round Info: Click here

This is the last day the Team Captains can send me changes in the player line-up for Round 2. :D


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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Update]

Postby Lindax on Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:33 pm

The game rosters for Round 2 have been posted, no changes will be allowed from now on.

First round will start May 6, coming Sunday.

For the Schedule, Maps & Settings and other Round Info:
Click here


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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby agentcom on Tue May 01, 2012 9:00 pm

Master Fenrir wrote:
I know, right?! It's like, in some places on this planet, English isn't their native language?! I mean, what's that about? LOL

(I'm laughing because you're simple.)

Nobody would have said anything if he wasn't a dick about it. Native English speaker or not, being a dick comes through in any language.
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 1]

Postby Lindax on Wed May 02, 2012 9:29 am

agentcom wrote:
Master Fenrir wrote:
I know, right?! It's like, in some places on this planet, English isn't their native language?! I mean, what's that about? LOL

(I'm laughing because you're simple.)

Nobody would have said anything if he wasn't a dick about it. Native English speaker or not, being a dick comes through in any language.

Can we please stop right here guys?

And no, HA, do not "use stronger words to reply him" please. ;)

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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Update]

Postby Lindax on Wed May 02, 2012 4:05 pm

I posted the updated game rosters for Round 1. In other words the first results.

For the Schedule, Maps & Settings and other Round Info:
Click here


PS: If you don't see them you need to refresh the page. ;)

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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Update]

Postby Lindax on Sun May 06, 2012 1:28 pm

The games for Round 2 have been sent, please join them a.s.a.p.

Deadline for joining the games: Tuesday, May 8, 19:30 hrs. GMT

If there is a problem with a game, please let your Team Captain know (if possible, if not, contact me).

For the Schedule, Maps & Settings and other Round Info:
Click here

Fog of War reminder:

show: fog of war


Have fun all!


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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Update]

Postby Lindax on Tue May 08, 2012 9:52 am

Lindax wrote:----
The games for Round 2 have been sent, please join them a.s.a.p.

Deadline for joining the games: Tuesday, May 8, 19:30 hrs. GMT

If there is a problem with a game, please let your Team Captain know (if possible, if not, contact me).

For the Schedule, Maps & Settings and other Round Info:
Click here

Fog of War reminder:

show: fog of war


Have fun all!


20 Games are still waiting for players with less than 4 hours to go. Missing players are mostly repeat offenders from Round 1 or previous TLO Tournaments, unbelievable. :(

Games Awaiting Players


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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Update]

Postby Lindax on Tue May 08, 2012 2:21 pm

Round 2 is ongoing. Unfortunately some players were unable to join their games within 48 hours and have cost their teams dearly in forfeited games. Instead of dealing with it behind the scenes, as I used to do, I'm going to post the info here, maybe that helps avoiding this in the future:

Epitaph1 and francisco969 from team TNC did not join their 5 games, thus giving team TOFUckingood 14 points.

peanutsdad from team Mythers did not join his game, resulting in 2 points for team Beef Leftovers.

kid moe from team The Warriors did not join his game, resulting in 3 points for team Memento Mori.

Crash_22 from Team Sweden did not join his games, thus giving 10 points to team Tutti Frutti.

moonchild from team King Arthur's Bovine did not join his game, resulting in 1 points for team As usual.

3 Other players joined minutes before the deadline....

I don't enjoy doing this, however, I have given enough warning that this tournament would be relentless.

For the Schedule, Maps & Settings and other Round Info:
Click here


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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 2]

Postby drunkmonkey on Tue May 08, 2012 2:28 pm


(Lindax - in case there's any confusion, this comment is not directed at you.)
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 2]

Postby Rodion on Tue May 08, 2012 2:32 pm

I think Lindax made the right call. Rules are rules and leniency won't teach (most) people not to repeat their mistakes.
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Re: TLO 2012 IV [Round 2]

Postby drunkmonkey on Tue May 08, 2012 2:36 pm

Rodion wrote:I think Lindax made the right call. Rules are rules and leniency won't teach (most) people not to repeat their mistakes.

I agree completely, and I applaud his decision. Especially in a tournament this involved for the TO, when the only requirement for players is "join your games", I wouldn't show leniency either.
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