Story outline so far:
Chapter OneLindax - 4 Player Doubles - Midgard - Auto - Escalating - Chained - Fog of WarA knight (The Knight) and a friend set out to find and rescue the king's youngest daughter.
Chapter Twoptlowe - 6 Player Standard - England - Auto - Escalating - Unlimited - SunnyAnna (a friend of the princess) joins The Knight and his friend (aka The Ranger) as they follow the princesses trail to England.
Chapter Threesquishyg - 2 Player Standard - World 2.1 - Auto - No Spoils - Chained - SunnyAnna, The Ranger, and The Knight are kidnapped and meet the three hags.
Chapter FourMyTurnToWin - 6 Player Terminator - First Nations of NA - Auto - Flat Rate - Chained - SunnyThe hags inform the three that the princess has been captured and is protected by a spell. To break the spell, they need to collect: "An acorn from the Oak of Midgard. Seven drops of water from the Pool of Lindax. A scale from the back of a dragon. And nine strands of hair from the Goddess Amazzony." Anna stays as the hags captive. The Ranger and The Knight meet a Troll.
Chapter FiveDBandit70 - 6 Player Standard - USA - Auto - Escalating - Chained - SunnyThe Knight and The Ranger speculate that the troll is really the prince of Midian, and the other items may be allegorical, too.
Chapter Sixralphcptc - 6 Player Standard - World 2.1 - Auto - Nuclear - Chained - SunnyThe Knight and The Ranger meet Bolo who agrees to guide them to the Oak of Midgard/Midian.
Chapter SevenSirSebstar - 6 Player terminator - Discworld - Auto - Nuclear - Chained - Fog of WarThe Wicked Witch of the East's magic spell transports them temporarily to Discworld.
Chapter Eightbkwill - 8 Player Standard - Classic - Auto - Escalating - Chained - SunnyOn returning, Bolo and The Ranger are both killed. The Knight defeats the magic spell
Chapter NineTheSaxlad - 8 Player Assassin - Doodle Earth - Auto - Nuclear - Adjacent - SunnyThe Knight uses a portal (provided by the helpful Spirit of Midgard) to travel to Doodlonius as a shortcut to the Oak of Midgard. Seven assassins waylay him.
Chapter TenDJ Teflon - 4 Player Assassin - Archipelago - Auto - No Spoils - Adjacent - Fog of WarAfter defeating the assassins, he heads to Volcanus to defeat the dragon and gain a scale.
Chapter Elevenbenga - 2 Player Standard - Tamriel - Manual - Nuclear - Unlimited - SunnyThe Knight slays the dragon Tamriel and regrets it.
Chapter TwelveSuper Nova - 8 Player Standard - Nordic Countries - Auto - Flat Rate - Chained - Fog of WarThe dragon Tamriel isn't dead, but doesn't have what's needed. And The Ranger is possibly not dead. Anna is really a sorceress. The ingredients needed are wrong in two ways: "a dragon’s heart scale, which I do not possess. Second, the pool of Lindax. You don’t need 7 drops from the pool, you need 7 gems from the bottom of the pool, and the only one capable of getting them, is the fierce creature that lives next to it."
Chapter Thirteencolton24 - 2 Player Standard - Malta - Auto - No Spoils - Chained - Fog of WarA new plan: "He would start out with the village of Lindaxburgh, home to the Pool of Lindax, and check the taverns and then duel the creature that was next to the Pool to get it to help him. Then he would check the village of Mage especially to find the dragon’s heart scale he needed from the caves around Mage that he knew dragons lived. Lastly he would check the village of Magic Point as he had read that the portal to the Gods’ and Goddess’ world was so he could get the nine strands of hair from the Goddess Amazzony which he knew would be a challenge."
Chapter FourteenPheonix.bradley - 2 Player Standard - Doodle Earth - Manual - Nuclear - Chained - SunnyThe Ranger (a phoenix) saves the ranger from the Hydra protecting the Pool of Lindax.
Chapter FifteengymnastQT - 3 Player Standard - Doodle Earth - Auto - Nuclear - Chained - SunnyThe Knight rides on, presumably in possession of the gems, and meets Robin Hood, who takes his money and advises: "You first must get through this Sherwood Forest till you reach the Dawn of Ages Sea. There you must defeat the Dawn of Ages Dragon and speak to his keepers."
Chapter SixteenAzureX - 4 Player Standard - USA New England - Auto - Nuclear - Adjacent - Fog of WarThe Knight has a dream with a warning.
And my chapter:
Chapter Seventeenthunderhue - 3 Player Standard - San Francisco - Auto - Flat Rate - Unlimited - SunnyThe Knight woke from a dream about fog, tall dudes with fabulous hair, and a club. A number of things started to make sense, as they often do after a good sleep.
First, he realized that almost from day one he'd been reacting to events with no clear plan in mind. Someone seemed to be manipulating him, almost intentionally trying to keep him off balance. He'd not been able to focus on what he knew best: being an awesome, kick-ass knight. Whoever was really behind this, whether Sorceress Anna, the Prince of Midian, or someone else, was trying to distract him.
Second: Anna. It was her who had sent him on this wild goose chase for acorns, scales, and gems. He'd just kept following along with little to show for it. (Except, he reminded himself, he did some serious butt-kicking in some intense fights. A dragon even! "You are a knight worthy of emulation; a model for other hero adventurers to follow", he told himself.) Any information originated with Anna would now need to be questioned. Perhaps even the location where the princess was being held. Which left very little to go on. Unfortunately, that clue, the "small cave halfway up Dragon’s Fire Mountain" was the only thing to go on.
Third, he considered his allies: The dragon Tamriel and the Spirit of Midgard had both provided "help", if they were not also pawns of Anna. But they seemed unavailable now. The Ranger was really his only friend and companion on this quest. He had always been trustworthy and competent, and now would be doubly so as the Phoenix. He was a serious advantage. Still, more allies would be needed.
A plan was beginning to formulate. He needed to take back the initiative and bring the fight to the princess's abductors. They needed to become the ones off-balance. Perhaps a diversion while he and The Ranger/Phoenix worked on directly assaulting the Dragon's Fire Mountain cave? He'd need a reliable magic worker in case there really was a spell protecting the cave.
It was time to shake things up. That dream about the guy with the hair and the club reminded him of the small hamlet of San Francisco. He decided that would be a good place to start. He could to look up some former friends and find some allies who could come along or create a diversion. He'd finalize his plans once he saw who was available.
"It's time to start acting like a knight," he told himself. "It's time to stop questing and start pounding. It's time to overturn the sorcery mountain and squish the vermin that come crawling out." It would be very good to get back to San Francisco.