Hello everyone,
This is a call for a quick Cyprus ATP Style Bracket Tournament.
Cyprus map was chosen because it's a relatively short and quick map.
Here are the details:
Map: Cyprus
Deployment: Auto
Turns: Sequential
Spoils: Flat
Reinforcement: Unlimited
Speical Gameplay (Trench, Fog): No
Rounds Limit: 20
Round Lenth: Casual
All matches 1vs1, 1 game knockout.
32 (40- see below) players simple bracket style tournament.
ATP style means that first round games and the brackets will be organized
according to players ranking at the time of the games organization, i.e.,
highest score player against lowest, second highest score against second
lowest, and so on; this method will continue into the advanced rounds of
the tournament - quarter finals, semi finals and the finals.
Also, first 24 Players by their score will qualify to round 1 automatically; The other 16
players will play one qualification round, knockout, and the 8 winners of the qulification
round will join the other 24 players for a standard bracket 32 players tournament, sorted
in round 1 by their score as explained.
General Echeivement Medal - A GA medal for the Best Underdog Killer will be granted -
the player with the lowest score who kills the player with the highest score.
The medal aheivement will be determined by the delta of the scores of both
players at the time the round games are being set (for example: if at the time
the round games are being set, player one a score of 1400 and the other player
two has a score of 1800, and the lowest player wins, than his underdog killer
ahceivement is 400, and if no one makes a better one by the end of the tournament,
he'll be the medal winner).
Have fan,
General Bax
1. jricart 2. dorsettrob 3. will_mp40 4. withmejulie 5. Serreski 6. HHedyHH 7. Tin Trumpet 8. DJ_ZG 9. dd_milan 10. babagonosh 11. V.J. 12. crazycolin 13. Dukasaur 14. rmhw10 15. lceni 16. kuma32478 17. dagothsunshine 18. Kiwi_NZ 19. Wizz00 20. asbks 21. fmdm03 22. Fakyras 23. Coconutt 24. Onagras 25. TheTrueNorth 26. wampeter 27. igrockspock 28. Marshallbobby 29. BluU 30. germwarfare 31. chidone 32. teedodici 33. farinelli 34. israel. 35. taneuse 36. scottishleaf 37. richman688 38. waldo61 39. JustJester 40. jaker1987 Reserves: 1. lenesu 2. ViperOverLord 3. celliotti 4. Linnick 5. Seamus Corrigan 6. rmjw10 7. seechster 8. bplp49 9. whydelilah 10. traffic133 11. contraeras.ale 12. CaronylKluster 13. TaelS 14. templeyard 15. MoB Deadly 16. deanios 17. 18. 19.
Qualification Round
Game 1 Game 11638353 : dd_milan vs. taneuse - dd_milan wins Game 2 Game 11638351 : crazycolin vs. dorsettrob - dorsettrob wins Game 3 Game 11638349 : wampeter vs. richman688 - richman688 wins Game 4 Game 11638347 : fmdm03 vs. Iceni - fmdm03 wins Game 5 Game 11638346 : rmjw10 (DNS) vs. jaker1987 (DNS) - (Reserve Player Introduced) wins Game 6 Game 11638345 : withmejulie vs. kuma32478 - kuma32478 wins Game 7 Game 11638343 : farinelli vs. waldo61 - farinelli wins Game 8 Game 11638342 : scottishleaf vs. Marshallbobby - scottishleaf wins Qualification Round Password: PM me for password
Round 1
Game 1 Game 11638438 : jricart vs. scottishleaf - scottishleaf wins Game 2 Game 11638437 : babagonosh vs. farinelli - farinelli wins Game 3 Game 11638436 : tredodici vs. kuma32478 - tredodici wins Game 4 Game 11718372 : Tin Trumpet vs. randy pierce - Tin Trumpet wins Game 5 Game 11638434 : BluU vs. fmdm03 - BluU wins Game 6 Game 11638433 : Coconutt vs. richman688 - richman688 wins Game 7 Game 11638432 : Wizz00 vs. dorsettrob - dorsettrob wins Game 8 Game 11638431 : TheTrueNorth vs. dd_milan (DNS) - TheTrueNorth (By Default) wins Game 9 Game 11638430 : V.J. vs. chidone - chidone wins Game 10 Game 11638429 : asbks vs. DJ_ZG - asbks wins Game 11 Game 11638428 : germwarfare vs. JustJester - germwarfare wins Game 12 Game 11638427 : Dukasaur vs. igrockspock - igrockspock wins Game 13 Game 11638426 : Serreski vs. Fakyras - Serreski wins Game 14 Game 11638425 : HHedyHH vs. Kiwi_NZ - Kiwi_NZ wins Game 15 Game 11638424 : will_mp40 vs. Onagras - Onagras wins Game 16 Game 11638421 : dagothsunshine vs. israel. - israel. wins Round 1 Password: PM me for password
Round 2
Game 1 Game 11718437 : scottishleaf vs. farinelli - farinelli wins Game 2 Game 11737425 : tredodici vs. Tin Trumpet - tredodici wins Game 3 Game 11718436 : BluU vs. richman688 - richman688 wins Game 4 Game 11718435 : dorsettrob vs. TheTrueNorth - TheTrueNorth wins Game 5 Game 11679813 : chidone vs. asbks - chidone wins Game 6 Game 11679812 : germwarfare vs. igrockspock - igrockspock wins Game 7 Game 11679811 : Serreski vs. Kiwi_NZ - Serreski wins Game 8 Game 11679810 : Onagras vs. israel. - israel. wins Round 2 Password : PM me for Password
Quarter Finals
Game 1 Game 11768611 : farinelli vs. tredodici - farinelli wins Game 2 Game 11737431 : richman688 vs. TheTrueNorth - TheTrueNorth wins Game 3 Game 11718439 : chidone vs. igrockspock - igrockspock wins Game 4 Game 11718438 : Serreski vs. israel. - israel. wins Quarter Finals Password: PM me for Password
Semi Finals
Game 1 Game 11791415 : farinelli vs. TheTrueNorth - farinelli wins Game 2 Game 11737429 : igrockspock vs. israel. - israel. wins Semi Finals Password: PM me for password
Finals and Medal Game Finals Game Game 11803281 : farinelli vs. israel. - israel. wins Finals Password: PM me for password
Tournament Winner
israel. wins the tournament
General Achievement Medal Winner
farinelli wins the Best Underdog Killer Medal