XML Tutorial

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XML Tutorial
Pretty graphics are not enough to make a successful map. You also need to think up good gameplay rules and write them down in an XML file. This tutorial will explain how to do that. Don't worry, you don't need any technical skills or special software. Just pay attention and fire up your favourite text editor, such as notepad.
XML is made up of tags. Tags let the game engine know which information means what. Tags are surrounded with <angled brackets> and come in pairs – one for <opening> and one for </closing>. For example, this is how you specify the name of a country with tags:
The “header”
First of all, your XML file must begin with this on the first line:
Don't worry about understanding it – it's a special tag that tells the game engine that this is an XML file.
Next you need a map tag which will contain everything else.
It is customary to indent tags when they are nested inside other tags and put one tag on each line. This isn't necessary but makes your XML easier to read.
Next we specify the territories on your map. Inside the map tag, include one pair of <territory> tags for each territory. For each territory you'll also need to specify <name>, <borders> and <coordinates>. Borders is a list of <border> tags containing exact names of other territories that this one is adjacent to. Coordinates is a list of the X and Y coordinates (in pixels) where the armies should be printed on the small and large maps. So a basic territory looks like this:
To define one way borders, like Inner Mongolia -> Mongolia, only list the territory that can be attacked as a border of the territory that cannot be attacked.
Autodeploy and Starting Neutrals
You can also add some optional tags to a territory. If you want an 'autodeploy' bonus to be added to that territory each round, add a <bonus> tag. If you want the territory to be initialized with a certain number of neutral armies, add a <neutral> tag. The Neutral tag should come after the <coordinates> tag for the XML validator to check it correctly. This XML will make Alberta start off with 10 neutrals but you'll get a territorial bonus of 3 if you conquer and hold it:
Killer Neutrals
If you want you can make these neutrals come back after someone takes the territory. We call these killer neutrals, which revert to neutral at the beginning of the occupying players turn. To make Alberta a killer neutral so that it goes back to being 10 after someone takes it you just change the neutral tag like so:
(Of course in this example - the bonus will never be given)
To mimic long-range warfare, you can additionally give a territory a <bombardments> tag. Bombardments is a list of <bombardment> tags containing exact names of other territories that this one can attack. Bombardments differ from borders in that you cannot fortify to bombardments, and a successful attack leaves 1 neutral army in the opposing territory. For example, imagine that Great Britain had inter-continental ballistic missiles pointed at Australia:
Next we must specify the continents on your map. Inside the map tag, before the territories, include one pair of <continent> tags for each continent. For each continent you'll also need to specify <name>, <bonus> and <components>. Components is a list of <territory> and <continent> tags containing exact names of territories and continents making up the continent. Usually you won't have continents inside continents so a basic continent looks like this:
These tags are mandatory, but you can add some optional tags to a continent. If you want the bonus to apply for partially held continents, throw in a <required> tag with the minimum number of components a player is required to hold to trigger the bonus. Furthermore, you can make one continent exclude others when a player holds them all by including <overrides> tags. Confused? Let's say you wanted to give 1 army for holding half of Oceania and 2 for the whole thing. Just having the following would give total of 3 armies when all of Oceania is held:
We don't want the Half of Oceania to apply when the whole thing is held. So let's make Oceania override Half of Oceania:
A continent can have more than one pair of <override> tags inside <overrides>. You can achieve complex continent behaviours with creative use of overrides.
Optionally, you can specify winning conditions for your map. An objective is a set of territories or continents that when held will give the player an early victory. A map can have several objectives and a held objective ends the game in both Assassin and Terminator games. In the case of a Terminator game points would be earned from all opponents who haven't been terminated. Suppose an objective is to hold Alaska, Greenland and the continent of Asia. The XML would look like this:
Putting it all together
Your final XML file should look something like this:
Random Notes
XML Tutorial
Pretty graphics are not enough to make a successful map. You also need to think up good gameplay rules and write them down in an XML file. This tutorial will explain how to do that. Don't worry, you don't need any technical skills or special software. Just pay attention and fire up your favourite text editor, such as notepad.
XML is made up of tags. Tags let the game engine know which information means what. Tags are surrounded with <angled brackets> and come in pairs – one for <opening> and one for </closing>. For example, this is how you specify the name of a country with tags:
- Code: Select all
<name>Western United States</name>
The “header”
First of all, your XML file must begin with this on the first line:
- Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Don't worry about understanding it – it's a special tag that tells the game engine that this is an XML file.
Next you need a map tag which will contain everything else.
- Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
It is customary to indent tags when they are nested inside other tags and put one tag on each line. This isn't necessary but makes your XML easier to read.
Next we specify the territories on your map. Inside the map tag, include one pair of <territory> tags for each territory. For each territory you'll also need to specify <name>, <borders> and <coordinates>. Borders is a list of <border> tags containing exact names of other territories that this one is adjacent to. Coordinates is a list of the X and Y coordinates (in pixels) where the armies should be printed on the small and large maps. So a basic territory looks like this:
- Code: Select all
<border>Northwest Territory</border>
<border>Western United States</border>
To define one way borders, like Inner Mongolia -> Mongolia, only list the territory that can be attacked as a border of the territory that cannot be attacked.
- Code: Select all
<name>Inner Mongolia</name>
Autodeploy and Starting Neutrals
You can also add some optional tags to a territory. If you want an 'autodeploy' bonus to be added to that territory each round, add a <bonus> tag. If you want the territory to be initialized with a certain number of neutral armies, add a <neutral> tag. The Neutral tag should come after the <coordinates> tag for the XML validator to check it correctly. This XML will make Alberta start off with 10 neutrals but you'll get a territorial bonus of 3 if you conquer and hold it:
- Code: Select all
<border>Northwest Territory</border>
<border>Western United States</border>
Killer Neutrals
If you want you can make these neutrals come back after someone takes the territory. We call these killer neutrals, which revert to neutral at the beginning of the occupying players turn. To make Alberta a killer neutral so that it goes back to being 10 after someone takes it you just change the neutral tag like so:
- Code: Select all
<border>Northwest Territory</border>
<border>Western United States</border>
<neutral killer="yes">10</neutral>
(Of course in this example - the bonus will never be given)
To mimic long-range warfare, you can additionally give a territory a <bombardments> tag. Bombardments is a list of <bombardment> tags containing exact names of other territories that this one can attack. Bombardments differ from borders in that you cannot fortify to bombardments, and a successful attack leaves 1 neutral army in the opposing territory. For example, imagine that Great Britain had inter-continental ballistic missiles pointed at Australia:
- Code: Select all
<name>Great Britain</name>
<border>Northern Europe</border>
<border>Western Europe</border>
<bombardment>New Guinea</bombardment>
<bombardment>Western Australia</bombardment>
<bombardment>Eastern Australia</bombardment>
Next we must specify the continents on your map. Inside the map tag, before the territories, include one pair of <continent> tags for each continent. For each continent you'll also need to specify <name>, <bonus> and <components>. Components is a list of <territory> and <continent> tags containing exact names of territories and continents making up the continent. Usually you won't have continents inside continents so a basic continent looks like this:
- Code: Select all
<territory>New Guinea</territory>
<territory>Western Australia</territory>
<territory>Eastern Australia</territory>
These tags are mandatory, but you can add some optional tags to a continent. If you want the bonus to apply for partially held continents, throw in a <required> tag with the minimum number of components a player is required to hold to trigger the bonus. Furthermore, you can make one continent exclude others when a player holds them all by including <overrides> tags. Confused? Let's say you wanted to give 1 army for holding half of Oceania and 2 for the whole thing. Just having the following would give total of 3 armies when all of Oceania is held:
- Code: Select all
<territory>New Guinea</territory>
<territory>Western Australia</territory>
<territory>Eastern Australia</territory>
<name>Half of Oceania</name>
<territory>New Guinea</territory>
<territory>Western Australia</territory>
<territory>Eastern Australia</territory>
We don't want the Half of Oceania to apply when the whole thing is held. So let's make Oceania override Half of Oceania:
- Code: Select all
<territory>New Guinea</territory>
<territory>Western Australia</territory>
<territory>Eastern Australia</territory>
<override>Half of Oceania</override>
<name>Half of Oceania</name>
<territory>New Guinea</territory>
<territory>Western Australia</territory>
<territory>Eastern Australia</territory>
A continent can have more than one pair of <override> tags inside <overrides>. You can achieve complex continent behaviours with creative use of overrides.
Optionally, you can specify winning conditions for your map. An objective is a set of territories or continents that when held will give the player an early victory. A map can have several objectives and a held objective ends the game in both Assassin and Terminator games. In the case of a Terminator game points would be earned from all opponents who haven't been terminated. Suppose an objective is to hold Alaska, Greenland and the continent of Asia. The XML would look like this:
- Code: Select all
<name>Alaska & Asia</name>
Putting it all together
Your final XML file should look something like this:
- Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Random Notes
- Continent and territory bonuses can be negative.
- When multiple continents have the same name, the related log entries will be merged into one entry.
- Order is very important in xml, please follow the order in the last code snippet.