Moderator: Cartographers
ender516 wrote:There seems to be a problem with awarding the same bonus to more than one player at a time. I noticed this working on Napoleonic Europe 1812, but you can check it against New World. If, for example, more than one player has 2 Comanche Territories, each one should receive the bonus at a start of a turn. But right now, they seem to cancel each other out. Also, if one player has, say, 6 Comanche Territories and the other has 2 Comanche Territories, the overrides of the first player's continents also seem to override the bonus of the second player.
MrBenn wrote:ender516 wrote:There seems to be a problem with awarding the same bonus to more than one player at a time. I noticed this working on Napoleonic Europe 1812, but you can check it against New World. If, for example, more than one player has 2 Comanche Territories, each one should receive the bonus at a start of a turn. But right now, they seem to cancel each other out. Also, if one player has, say, 6 Comanche Territories and the other has 2 Comanche Territories, the overrides of the first player's continents also seem to override the bonus of the second player.
I'm assuming this is in chipv's game "simulator" functionality, rather than in an actual CC game?
natty_dread wrote:Firefox (latest version) @ Windows XP
The 88 centering still has problems though: the red 88:s are 1 pixel too low, and white 88:s are 1 pixel too low and 1 pixel to the right.
ender516 wrote:Well, it's loading and parsing now, but I'm getting errors that I wouldn't expect, since I don't think I edited the file after the Wizard generated it. It seems like empty <bonus></bonus> pairs are being generated, but these cause errors like:
Error: Line 154 - Type short doesn't allow value ''
Error: Line 154 - Error validating datatype short
Error: Line 154 - Element bonus failed to validate content
By the way, any idea why the loading went bad?
Winnie the Pooh wrote:Oh, bother.
ender516 wrote:Winnie the Pooh wrote:Oh, bother.
Is there a possibility you could make this an application that we run on our own machines? Or could you convince lackattack to host it for you here on CC? If you could incorporate the functionality of the XML tool (and you have a lot of it already, but you don't have the text map), then development and testing could all be done right from the site.
By the way, I have not checked, but do you support the losing conditions feature?
FarangDemon wrote:Does Auto XY not work if you xml entries for the size you with to have automatically done already exist? I am clicking Auto XY on small map and nothing is happening.
Not knowing about this tool, I had made all the xml from scratch. But I didn't have good positioning because I was guessing. Now that I've got your tool, I have already moved all the territs around using the cursor in the big map. Now I don't want to do it again manually for the small map. Do I need to delete all the small xy tags in the xml file for Auto XY to work?
FarangDemon wrote:Thanks, chipv. I'll use cursor then. I had assumed it would just use the ratio of the pixel widths between large and small maps to get the scale factor.
Your xml tool is udderly amazing, btw.
I used the simulator to work out the kinks in my Thailand map... Works like a charm!
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