by lebatt on Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:06 pm
why is everyone making a big stink over this? So ur a paying customer, whatever just give it up.
Ya it's one day. ONE day out of your year, so do you want ur nickel back? are you that poor? If so then why pay to play this?
I logged in, thought actually someone hacked the css file to the site, as long as i can read it i'm fine lol.
So for those "paying" (myself included), who whine about this, i'd hate to see when ur I.P provider goes down for a hour, gotta run to the fridge, get a bottle, some milk and a soother because life is just over.
And kinda funny, I never heard of this "BOB" addon before coming to this thread, and have no clue still as to what it is and why someone needs anything added on to play this game. I havent, and still don't, it's risk, you go on, put troops , play, then finish ur turn.... not sure what a add-on can really help with there lol.