The Early Morning Silence Is Shattered"Hear ye! Hear ye!" cried the town caller at the top of his lung as he scurried madly from town square to town square throughout The Kingdom of ConquerClub.
"There is to be an event this Friday!" he declared.
"What this?" "An event" "What can it be?" murmurs went through the crowd.
"The Cardinal of Trini is offered a reward to whoever can pass through a series of locked chambers," he went on. "All those believing themselves cunning enough to attempt to complete this task present themselves at The Castle of Chat. The man who beats this challenge shall receive a shiny gold medal."
The murmurs grew louder at the news. The Town caller continued "To complete the task you have but 3 opportunities, use them well for they may never return. Once you have succeeded in your task you may not wander the path again. To do so will mean that you will be instantly banished to the dungeons of Hell! The password for entry through the castle gates is /join I wish thee the best of luck."
Details:Task: Enter more secret rooms first than anyone else using only the clues provided and your powers of intellect. Each session we'll have 20 secret rooms. For each room a maximum of 5 clues will be given. The first person to enter the room gets a point. The person with the highest score at the end of each session wins a General Achievement Medal. The command to join a room is /join followed by the room name. To make sure you can actually join a room we'll run the contest in a room called secrets so after joining Live chat type "/join secrets" (without the quotation marks) to get to the room. PLEASE NOTE: Because the names are case sensitive all room names will be exclusively in lowercase letters.
Date: Friday the 15th of March in the year of 2013
Times: You will have 3 chances to compete. Once you have won a session you cannot compete in the other sessions. If you compete but do not win you are free to enter again. Each session will have different rooms and there will be no duplications.
CC Time: 09:00:00CC Time: 18:00:00CC Time: 23:00:00Location: Live Chat