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Chatters Christmas Event 2021

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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby Zemljanin on Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:28 am

Don't know whether it's a language barrier or what, but I always struggle with understanding of the rules.
Time is about to expire and I haven't a slightest idea what should I post here. Hoped I'll understand when I see the posts of others, but nobody posts anything...
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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby Razorvich on Mon Dec 27, 2021 5:24 pm

Zemljanin wrote:Don't know whether it's a language barrier or what, but I always struggle with understanding of the rules.
Time is about to expire and I haven't a slightest idea what should I post here. Hoped I'll understand when I see the posts of others, but nobody posts anything...

Send it by private message to me

What peasant goes with which mod and the location if the presents
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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby Razorvich on Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:44 am

please bear with me.. I will be a week late on results... just a crazy time of year for me with work.

I am looking hopefully to have results by this saturday coming.
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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby chanakam2020 on Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:50 am

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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby Razorvich on Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:43 am

The Tree was hidden in a forum post before the event was released as a teaser to the Event.
12 Months premium was offered to whoever found it first.
A Clue to the Thread Post was dropped HERE: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=236547&start=25#p5230878
There was also another clue, in Game 21302474. I dropped hints on this game in chat but not sure if anyone got it.

show: winning entry

REMEMBER: There is a right way and a WRONG way to play this event
We will know if you cheat... if you cheat.. YOU ARE OUT
So for those who cheated you get nothing.


show: solution

show: the booty

Thank you to all that participaated, I had a blast putting this together.

The next Site Event will start in a week or so..... Look out in the Announcments for your chance to get some easy Credits and Medals.
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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby chanakam2020 on Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:55 am

Thank you Chatters team for organizing the event !!!
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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby Zemljanin on Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:29 am

People usually say THANKS to the author/organizer after a game. But this time, besides THANKS, I (we?) have to say CONGRATS, KUDOS, HATS OFF and so on.
Razor, this game was by far the most interesting of all! And the decision to give location with scavenger hints was the right one - an invaluable feature for amateur players. Please, continue as brilliantly!

Congrats also to Chanakam, for very convincing victory!

P.S. Razor, when do you plan to lock this thread?

I have a problem. My "zeitnot solution" was obviously wrong, but I have no time to think even a bit (have to finish a difficult report until January 16). I would like to:
- finish the report first
- rest at least one full day
- THEN dive into the problem
- if I fail to solve it, I'd ask some questions here

However, I am afraid that this thread could be locked much before January 20. If so, I have to embarrass myself by asking questions immediately, without real thinking...
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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby Zemljanin on Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:14 am

Huh, finished the report. But I am SO exhausted that I'm going to remain dumb at least 24 hours. Perhaps 36 or 48...
So I'll take liberty to ask dumb questions.

Well, one of our tasks was - to order the presents. Lets say the initial order was 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (order on the group picture)
My "solution" said - the final order of present was 1,3,2,4,7,9,10,5,8,6, while the order of mods was KA, TG, Duk, Razor, Mad. Obviously, at least one of these orders is wrong. Which directly means - I misinterpreted the numbers given in scavenger clues.

So my dumb and somewhat redundant list of questions is:

a) What's the correct order of the presents?

b) What's the correct order of the mods? (In queue for getting presents)

c) What was the meaning of the numbers given in scavenger clues?

Thank you in advance

P.S. If someone feels that publishing vital parts of the solution is undesirable, he can write a PM to me...
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Re: Chatters Christmas Event 2021

Postby Zemljanin on Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:56 pm

My God, HOW BLIND I was!!!!!

The only thing that really mattered is the only one I never payed attention to. My autistic obsession by numbers and orders... ](*,)

Now I'm glad for having a wrong "solution". The lesson I've got is much more valuable than 500 or 5000 credits. "Case closed!" - told Razor few weeks ago. "Case closed." - as the last Mohican, I am confirming now.
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