by t4mcr53s2 on Sat Oct 31, 2020 5:09 pm
my first reaction was what is the suggested change(s), so I clicked the link; Donella dan, a brighter fella, said in 2015
Change the "Join Games" page
Unread postby Donelladan on Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:15 am
Concise description:
Most of the links in the join games page are rather useless. An improvement is necessary.
After clicking on the link "Join Games" in the game menu, there are 5 different tabs :
Public Games
Private Games
Tournament Games
Speed Games
Battle Royale Speed Games
Tournament games is 100% useless. I have never joined a game by clicking on this tab, and I played in many tournaments.
Private games is rather useless, I do not know if someone use this to find games ? Those games are usually joined through invitation or through the call-out forums as far as I know.
Battle Royale Speed Games is useful only a couple of days a year. Just replaced it by a event banner link on the central command when there is this kind of special games ( already the case I think).
Now I think the games take longer to be filled than before. Especially multiplayer games, because when you click on the "Join Games" link, the newest games appear first, and a 8-12 players game will always take a few days to fill, then it is at the end of the list before it is filled.
This is even worse for multiplayer games on not so popular maps or with quite special settings.
I also know that the change from oldest games first to newest games appearing first has been made because there was hundreds of "farming games" always at the beginning otherwise. But we still need to change something.
I would propose that when clicking on the "join games" the tabs would be :
1vs1 games
Team games
Multiplayer games ( could be divided into two sections, 3-6 players games and 7-12 players games).
Polymorphic games
Speed games.
And the games within each tabs should be ordered by remaining empty spots. Of course it would be useless for 1vs1 games and Polymorphic games. But it would be helpful for multiplayers games, that way the games with only 1 empty spot appear first, games start faster.
We could also order games by "filled spots" rather than empty one, so that 12 players games aren't always at the bottom of the lists.
That is why I would also divide the tabs "multiplayer games" in 2 category.
Also I would like that when clicking on the "join games", no games appears. Right now when someone click on join games, public games appears first. I would like that when clicking on "join games", one would also have to chose a category afterwards before games appears.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
Games, especially multiplayers games, would fill faster than now.
worth a try; I think--T4
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....
If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you