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Argentina >> (VACATION)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:31 pm
by Silent Killer
Silent Killer wrote:Im going to place this map into retirement, sort of....
Lets call it a break!!

I do have plans to come back to this, but for the moment, I want to concentrate on other idea's first.



* Moved map to the left, reducing empty space
* Fixed "San Juan"
* Added army circles.. Kind of!
* Moved MiniMap and Flag
* Changed West and East to Del Oeste & Del Este
* Signified "T" for Tucuman in the MiniMap

Click image to enlarge.

What you need to know...
* Territiories: 26
* Continents: 5
* Impassables: Parana River, Andes Mountains
* Ocean Passages: 4 Trade Routes
* Developer: Silent Killer

Gameplay: Currently straightforward enough, but Im very willing to listen to any idea's to make this better.
Im also currently toying with the idea of having mountain passages down the spine of the Chilean border in maybe 3 territories in Argentina, opening up more possibilities of attack.

I originally had a thread on this in the Idea's section, and the current map has evolved from then.
links to older versions ... entina.png ... aLarge.png ... Small1.png ... Small2.png

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:44 pm
by sailorseal
Very nice! I like how this looks. maybe use something instead of that yellow pointer.
I would say this should be in the drafting room

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:59 pm
by Silent Killer
Thank you SS..

Hopefully before long its in the drafting room, but I'd like some views on how to progress with this map first.

I have an idea as to where to place the continents and impassables, I just didn't get around to adding the graphic parts in.

I also had an idea to break Buenos Aires into 2 or 3 seperate terits...??
Numbers permitting of course.

I'd like to hear some views as to what may be best..

Thanks again.

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:03 pm
by sailorseal
I think this is at a good enough stage where it can only have meaningful reviews if you add bonuses and impassibles

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:40 pm
by Silent Killer
Ill get to work on that tomoorow so..


Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:58 pm
by the.killing.44
Great job on this. I expect this'll get moved into the real drafting room as soon as you get some bonuses and stuff done.

Firstly, you need to fix your borders. This is a tutorial RjBeals posted in MrBenn's Europa thread, and is really the way to go with borders.

That should give you smooth, good-looking borders. From there, I really like the way you have the flags of the other countries. However, I'd lower the opacity of those a bit, as it is a bit much on the eyes. Also, I love what you did with the flag in the title, but I'd enlarge the word "Argentina", and even see what it looks like with some a yellow stroke instead of the current white, like the flag. Just an idea — the white looks great.

The next thing that has to go, I think, are the red dots connecting the territories. They're big and distracting, as well as unnecessary. I don't even think you need them at all.
You do have a problem with Tucuman, and I advise you to take a look at qwert's Europe 1914 map, and how he put "A." on the map, and "Albania" in the key. Just a "T." would work fine there.

I can't really comment on gameplay, as you don't have any bonus structure yet, but I do advise you to take the route off Misiones to Formosa and keep Misiones as a dead-end territory

Great job on this so far!


Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:44 pm
by AndyDufresne
Good looking first stab, silent killer! Always a pleasure to see new faces in the Foundry.


Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:42 pm
by InkL0sed
the.killing.44 wrote:Great job on this. I expect this'll get moved into the real drafting room as soon as you get some bonuses and stuff done.

Firstly, you need to fix your borders. This is a tutorial RjBeals posted in MrBenn's Europa thread, and is really the way to go with borders.

That should give you smooth, good-looking borders. From there, I really like the way you have the flags of the other countries. However, I'd lower the opacity of those a bit, as it is a bit much on the eyes. Also, I love what you did with the flag in the title, but I'd enlarge the word "Argentina", and even see what it looks like with some a yellow stroke instead of the current white, like the flag. Just an idea — the white looks great.

The next thing that has to go, I think, are the red dots connecting the territories. They're big and distracting, as well as unnecessary. I don't even think you need them at all.
You do have a problem with Tucuman, and I advise you to take a look at qwert's Europe 1914 map, and how he put "A." on the map, and "Albania" in the key. Just a "T." would work fine there.

I can't really comment on gameplay, as you don't have any bonus structure yet, but I do advise you to take the route off Misiones to Formosa and keep Misiones as a dead-end territory

Great job on this so far!


All of the above are seconded.

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:51 pm
by Silent Killer
Some updates... updated!!

See first post.

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:44 am
by miniwally
definitely better looking trade routes

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:52 pm
by AndyDufresne
This is really a terrific looking map, graphically. The gameplay, looks alright, but certainly can be improved upon.

You have a lot of empty space on this map---which is to be expected, creating a map of a tall and slender region. What plans do you have for the empty spaces? Bonus legion, minimap, I'm sure---but it still feels like there will be a lot of extra space.

How many territories are you looking to have? The number you currently have on the map?


Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:21 am
by Silent Killer
Ive cropped alot of the empty space and tried to make the map as short as I could.. This is the latest update so far. I may have cropped it a little too much.. 8-[

Click image to enlarge.

Coloured in continents. 5 in total.
And used one of the mapmakers guides to allocating bonuses for holding those continents.
Im not too gone on the figures I got but Im open to suggestion.

Currently there's 26 territories on this map, I could add a few more by maybe breaking up Buenos Aires into 2 or 3 parts...

I think a mini-map is the way to go with the space Ive left.
Any space left over can easily be taken up with info on the map.. trade routes, mountains, river and maybe a little story to add flavour.

One more thing I was thinking about adding was Mountain Passages alongside Chile.. maybe just a symbol in some area's of the West of the country...
1 at West Chubut, Mendoza and 1 at Jujuy.. 2-Way attacking.

Any other suggestions???

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:32 pm
by RjBeals
Great looking map so far.
* How are you going to deal with the "T" territory for Tucuman?
* I don't like how the blue region names are sitting on the gray land areas.
* Color's are A+. I love the textures and ocean and region colors.
* Font is okay. I'm also a sucker for plain sans-serif arial type fonts.
* I like the way you offset the mini-map's ocean with that checkerboard style pattern. Looks cool.
* Not sure your mountain ranges are in best placements.

Nice job overall. Refreshing to see such an excellent draft in here.

Re: Argentina..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:35 pm
by Silent Killer
* T for Tucuman will be placed somewhere close to the actual map, haven't really thought about how yet..

* There isn't alot of room to place those eastern cities in their actual territories, but why is it any different to the Western names on the grey land?

* Im happy with the colours, I dont anticipate a problem with them.. hopefully!!

* Im not too sure about what the minimap sits in tbh.. it was rushed just for visual purposes.

* RE: Mountain range placements.. is it gameplay based or geographically based??

Thanks for the encouraging comments :)

Ive now created a new thread in the Drafting forum.. maybe this can be closed now??

Argentina >> UPDATED 21/03/09

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:13 pm
by Silent Killer
* Moved map to the left, reducing empty space
* Fixed "San Juan"
* Added army circles.. Kind of!
* Moved MiniMap and Flag
* Changed West and East to Del Oeste & Del Este
* Signified "T" for Tucuman in the MiniMap

Click image to enlarge.

What you need to know...
* Territiories: 26
* Continents: 5
* Impassables: Parana River, Andes Mountains
* Ocean Passages: 4 Trade Routes
* Developer: Silent Killer

Gameplay: Currently straightforward enough, but Im very willing to listen to any idea's to make this better.
Im also currently toying with the idea of having mountain passages down the spine of the Chilean border in maybe 3 territories in Argentina, opening up more possibilities of attack.

I originally had a thread on this in the Idea's section, and the current map has evolved from then.
links to older versions ... entina.png ... aLarge.png ... Small1.png ... Small2.png

Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:17 pm
by Wolffystyle
Que barbaro Che!

Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:04 pm
by the.killing.44
:shock: wow - great job. I'll take a real good look at this when I'm off this freakin' iPhone, but great job. You don't, however, need to create a separate thread for each update.


Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:50 pm
by Lobster Crush
Looks great!

The first question that comes to mind for me is: are Buenos Aires, Islas Malvinas & Tierro del Fuego one territory? Even so, the bonus of 5 seems a lot for holding 3 territories.


Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:26 pm
by Silent Killer
Lobster Crush wrote:Looks great!

The first question that comes to mind for me is: are Buenos Aires, Islas Malvinas & Tierro del Fuego one territory? Even so, the bonus of 5 seems a lot for holding 3 territories.


Hi LC..

Yup, Buenos Aires, Islas Malvinas & Tierro del Fuego complete the red continent, so to speak.

But my initial thinking is that it being the connection from the North to the South via a trade route, and with it also susceptible to attacks from each of the 4 neighbouring continents, 5 might have been enough.. maybe too much however.. It was more a "I'll throw it out there" deployment, and get some views.

I'd like to take this very opportunity in disclosing my complete and utter noobness in mapmaking, I flicked through these forums and was intrigued in what I found, and wanted to get involved with the community
Any of the details in and around the map are very much up for changing, if needs be.
I have a bit of photoshop knowledge, but the gameplay issues are something else completely..

Getting back to your query.. would a 4 bonus also be too much.
I mean, I can see Buenos Aires being hard to hold.


Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:57 pm
by MrBenn
Wow - what an impressive looking draft! It looks pretty darn good ;-)

From a space-saving point of view, the Western side of the map feels a bit useless... I'd be inclined to suggest cropping off some of the ocean, and maybe moving the legend and title to the lower-right hand side (and possibly extending out that way if you need some space).

Territory-wise, 26 is incredibly small, and I think that the graphics you have created deserve something more playable.

What's the star on Buenos Aires for? Are you seriously suggesting a +5 bonus for a single territory?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how this progresses! keep up the good work ;-)

Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:08 pm
by Silent Killer
Hi MrBenn..

The idea about shifting everything across seems like the way to go imo. I agree theres gonna be some empty space on the Western side, so Ill change that.

Ok, I can break some of the territories down to multiples.. Buenos Aires I can perhaps break into 3 parts, adding 2 to the board. A quick glance at the map and I can probably add 9 extra territories, maybe more.

The star in Buenos Aires merely indicates the Capital City. :)

Ill update the first post with whats next to work on, and will complete these in the coming days.

Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:29 pm
by Tisha
MrBenn wrote:What's the star on Buenos Aires for? Are you seriously suggesting a +5 bonus for a single territory?

there are a couple territories that look like part of that bonus, just south of Buenos Aires..

the draft looks great.. maybe bring the dirt down on the territories themselves, where there is color.

Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:41 am
by shakeycat
At first glance, I was a little confused by the dark blue territory. All the names are dangling in clearly outlined grey territories, and I assumed they belonged to the grey and not the blue. I suppose this confusion is lessened once the army circles are there, but be careful ;)

Where do you explain the territory named "T"? And you mean San Juan with a capital J, yes?

Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:15 am
by bigreuben
I'm just guessing that that T is standing for Tucuman....

Anyway 26 territories for the 8th country in size... sounds unfair... I'm sure there are more territories to this map...

As I know it' the max amount of bonus for continent is the number of territories the continent has...

As you put it Islas and not islands, I think it will be better to replace the east & west with este & oeste

Re: Argentina

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:35 am
by Teflon Kris
As everyone has said, a great first draft.

I'm not sure that 26 territories is too small as suggested.

Several maps have fewer and prove popular to many players - it's down to how you would like the map to be played - long, complex strategic games or quicker, fun speed games? If it is the latter then your map would be popular as there aren't many 'smaller' maps out there currently.