Death From Above (Complete New Idea)
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:40 pm
You can pretty much get the concept from reading the map text. I guess it's
I would like to try an objective style map for my next project. I guess it looks like another video game (can you guess which one?). The skulls are just a placeholder. I'm not sure what objects I want there yet. I'm trying to work out the game-play before I get into graphics.
* Will objective games this work with assassin? Like if Red can never totally kill Green, will that short circuit the system?
* Could the skulls fight back? Like I know there are negative bonuses, but how could we work it in so it's not -1 army to your shooter every turn - thats boring.
* Should I start with 10 shooter spaces, in case the xml is ever updated to allow 10 players?
* Should I start with a lot more skulls, with only a neutral 3 on them instead?
* Different concept - what if the skulls can not attack each other. Instead, once you occupy them, each turn you lose 2 armies or something, until your down to just 1. Then a weaker player could steal your skulls and deploy more men (if he has them). ?
Jeez.. I don't know about all this.