Map Starter : Dealey Plaza - 11/22/63

Map Name: Dealey Plaza 11/23/63
Mapmaker(s):riskllama(possibly sempaispellcheck xml & saxitoxin graphics)
Number of Territories:tbd
Special Features:autodeploys, bombardments(duh), victory condition
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:it's a notable event in modern history, so why the f*ck not? also, I would reveal the true position of the ruffian what killed him(because llamas know this shit)
Map Image:na
Mapmaker(s):riskllama(possibly sempaispellcheck xml & saxitoxin graphics)
Number of Territories:tbd
Special Features:autodeploys, bombardments(duh), victory condition
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:it's a notable event in modern history, so why the f*ck not? also, I would reveal the true position of the ruffian what killed him(because llamas know this shit)
Map Image:na