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new map based on chess

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:11 pm
by andretrepa
[b]Map Name:[Chess Conquer]
[b]Mapmaker(s):[André Trêpa and Conquer Team]
[b]Number of Territories:[64]
[b]Special Features:[chess pieces can only attack according to chess moves and empty squares became neutral]
[b]What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:[based on chess; everybody knows and it's a new approach to the game]

[b]Map Image:[chess board; ex: 8 players 4 territories each; empty squares 1 neutral troop]

Re: new map based on chess

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:54 pm
by koontz1973
Hello - Welcome to CC and the Foundry ;-)

You should find some useful information in the [Official] Conquer Club Mapmaker Handbook
If you still have questions after browsing those topics, feel free to ask any specific questions in the Foundry Discussions subforum - you should find people eager to help and give any advice in there.



This map has been moved into the Ideas subforum, as it does not meet the criteria for a Working Draft:
Drafting Room Guidelines

To be considered a Working Draft a project must be more than just an idea; a Draft should have a clear thematic focus, a plan for how the gameplay will work, and a basic image which should include:

1. Territory Labels - temporary names or numbers will suffice, and are always open to change.
2. Borders/Paths/Impassables - it should be made clear where territories do/do not connect.
3. Bonus Areas - where combinations/groups of territories will award a bonus, this should be indicated on the map.
4. Legend - speculative bonus values and explanations of any attack rules or gameplay features.

Draft images should generally not be larger than 630x600px (small image) or 840x800px (large image).

Re: new map based on chess

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:17 am
by Gillipig
So it's about chess.... and what else? What is the twist?

Re: new map based on chess

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:13 pm
by Huegelkoenig
andretrepa wrote:Special Features:[chess pieces can only attack according to chess moves and empty squares became neutral]

To move chess pieces like in a chess game, you would have to
a) change graphics during game
b) change attackable territories, depending on your chess piece positions

i don't think thats possible

also, there are no empty squares in CC, you always have to leave at least 1 troop behind.
killer neutrals depending on the # of troops on a territory: i don't think thats possible.

possible would be a game, based on a specific situation of a chess game, but i think it wouldnt be playable (e.g. what do you do with all those pawns who cant attack? => they are worthless)

Re: new map based on chess

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:31 pm
by greenoaks
i don't see how this would work