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Bungalow's pirate experience...or better name

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:33 am
by ManBungalow
Click image to enlarge.

Let's see here;

Things you don't need to point out:
  • the graphics are poor.
  • the links between each region on an island are bad.
  • the regions don't have names.
  • the text is all crammed into that side.
  • etc

Some important things about gameplay and the legend:
  • The bonuses/troop numbers are inflated, not unlike City Mogul.
  • Each player starts with one region from A-H (like the baseball map), which autodeploys, say, 5 troops.
  • Regions A-H can attack all of the mainland bonuses, but nothing else. Mainland bonuses can't attack any region unless stated.
    • Missing persons: should state that there is no bonus for the castaways unless this region is held.
    • Guard house:...
    • Fort: doesn't really do much, but I thought it would be interesting in terminator/escalating/assassin games as it makes that player harder to eliminate.
    • Trade bonus: applies to the trade route bonus detailed lower down the image.
    • Ships A and B:...
  • If you only hold home regions (A-H) you are eliminated (losing condition). Note that this means the eliminator has to take your mainland bonuses and trade regions.
  • Start positions A-H can't be attacked by anything, so the losing condition is important to this end.
  • Each island (3/4 regions except the pirate island) gives a standard bonus of 10 troops if held.
  • Each island will start with at least one programmed neutral, so no player ever drops with a bonus.
  • It probably goes without saying that the mainland bonus regions begin as neutral, too.

That's about it. I should be coming along with some updates to make things easier to understand before too long.

Re: Bungalow's pirate experience...or better name

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:00 am
by koontz1973
MB, while I have nothing against this, can I ask why when you have Marooned further along but in the vacation thread? What is it about this one that you think is different, better than marooned and could you not put that towards Marooned and get that one finished off?

Re: Bungalow's pirate experience...or better name

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:48 am
by koontz1973

As per map makers request.
