So, I have an idea for a map. The map is called "The Wild West", and is about the famous Lawmen and Outlaws of -- you guessed it -- The Wild West. The Lawmen and Outlaws are all real historical people, and mostly appear in their known areas of operation.
I have a rough map (see below), with Lawmen and Outlaw names, but it needs background, color, graphics, and a legend. I'd also like to put in some background graphics of the stage, rail, pony express, and other routes in the old west. I'm working on the XML - excellent guides here should help, and I've got experience with programming so I don't expect any difficulties there.
Here's how I envision gameplay: There are 12 Lawmen and 35 Outlaws on the map, so 47 territs. Each Lawman is connected to 5 or 6 Outlaws, which connected region forms a continent (so that the 12 continents are named for the Lawmen). To own a continent, and get the bonus, you must own all the Outlaws connected to the Lawman. Since most of the Outlaws are shared by multiple Lawmen, this bonus should be quite challenging. I believe the continent bonus should equal the number of Outlaws you own that are shared. This gives the following Continents and bonuses:
Bill TIlghman: 4
Tom Horn: 6
Seth Bullock: 5
Bat Masterson: 5
Wyatt Earp: 5
Bass Reeves: 3
Judge Roy Bean: 3
Pat Garrett: 4
Henry Garfias: 4
Texas John Slaughter: 4
Dallas Stoudenmire: 5
Wild Bill Hickok: 7
I think normal number of territ bonuses should apply. I'm looking for suggestions about initial placement, number of territs owned per player, and other gameplay details.
Map Version 2: