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Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:52 pm
by Rih0
I had the great idea of creating a mediterranean isles pack. I'm starting with this one. Cyprus is already on the foundry, but in domain of other mapmakers.
The last poll was a tie. Anyway, it seems I can keep ports. The problem was the streets, so there will be another poll, to see if I keep or remove streets.
The poll will be running for 1 week
Rih01.0Number of territories: 58
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:24 pm
by natty dread
You start a lot of projects... how about finishing one first?
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:09 pm
by Industrial Helix
Beautiful start...
But there is a foundry limit of two maps per mapmaker at any one time... Finish Peru first.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:12 pm
by Rih0
Ok, I just decided to post before someone do.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:41 pm
by TaCktiX
I'm not going to vote on the two core gameplays right yet, as I see a lot of things needing clarifying.
- I have not a darn clue what isles connect to what on the mainland. Instead of popping one sentence at it, why not just have territory line connectors or something of that variety?
- I can't tell what bonus areas are named what, and thus can't tell what gets what bonus value. Instead of text, I would suggest a mini-map.
- I don't know what litoranean means, and the average CC player won't know either. Reference to first point I made.
Graphics look alright so far, though new icons for the ports (more 3D than present would be suggested, they look bitmap-bad flat) and an outer glow or stroke on the roads could be added.
- Typo: Territories instead of terriritories
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:02 am
by Rih0
I have not a darn clue what isles connect to what on the mainland. Instead of popping one sentence at it, why not just have territory line connectors or something of that variety?
The isles connect to same colored territories.
I don't know what litoranean means, and the average CC player won't know either. Reference to first point I made.
Litoranean means: its close/adjacent to the sea.
I can't tell what bonus areas are named what, and thus can't tell what gets what bonus value. Instead of text, I would suggest a mini-map.
The bonus are named with the principal territory of each bonus area. the bonus value, is in the right of the name.
If this does not answers all your points, post here again, or pm me
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:50 am
Rih0 wrote: I have not a darn clue what isles connect to what on the mainland. Instead of popping one sentence at it, why not just have territory line connectors or something of that variety?
The isles connect to same colored territories.
I think the issue is do they connect to every available same color territory on the coast or just one particular territory of that color. It will be confusing during gameplay because there is no connecting point as there is on the mainland where the borders are defined. Do all the islands connect to the mainland, or just particular ones. When looking at a map and getting strategy together it's better to know what connects where, especially if you don't own the territory and you're trying to decide what course to go in obtaining the land.
I don't know what litoranean means, and the average CC player won't know either. Reference to first point I made.
Litoranean means: its close/adjacent to the sea.
That's fine for this thread, but once the map goes live there will be a ton of people that don't know the meaning of the word. While this holds true for people that speak English as a first language, I'd imagine it goes doubly for people whom English is not their first language and are not fluent. Keep in mind this site is used by people all over the world, and quite a few of who are quite young.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:50 pm
by Rih0
Ok. I will make some isles connect to a single main land. Thanks for help.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:53 am
by carlpgoodrich
I think this is a very good start, and could make for a nice traditional map. I voted for keeping the ports but removing the streets. I think that streets (and trains, etc.) are becoming overused, and it really doesn't add much to the map other than make for connections.
In terms of the ports/islands: Don't make the ports a separate territory, I think that is needed in some cases where you want, for example, train gameplay and region gameplay to be slightly separate, but here its just a connection, so not needed. Also, depending on how you do the island connections, I think Messina is so big that no one will go for it on such a small map... maybe making the 6 islands their own bonus region?
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:11 am
by RjBeals
eh. nothing special
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:47 am
by Bruceswar
RjBeals wrote:eh. nothing special
I happen to like this look and think it should be taken forward.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:01 am
by natty dread
I like the ocean.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:44 am
by theBastard
there are many maps on CC based on/only on any region. but I think, it is more interesting to add any idea for region. and Sicily + Cosa Nostra could be interesting...
what do you think?
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:18 pm
by Rih0
I wont use cosa nostra.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:33 pm
by theBastard
Rih0 wrote:I wont use cosa nostra.
great, I can help you. the first question is from which era will be the map? modern from now? because the golden age of cosa nostra was in past....
one thing. could you do poll about this? I´m interesting what others will say.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !new poll! please read and vote
Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:02 pm
by Rih0
Well, the map is from nowadays.
Let this poll end first. Then, I`ll see what can we do.
I pretend to make isles connecting to ports.
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:17 pm
by eigenvector
How about Norman Sicily? The place names don't seem to have changed that much, I think...
Re: Sicily V1.0 !New poll! please read and vote
Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:09 am
by Rih0
Read first post
Re: Sicily V1.0 !poll! !poll! please read and vote
Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:53 am
by carlpgoodrich
Which is yes and which is no? (keep the streets == yes? or remove the streets == yes?)
Re: Sicily V1.0 !new poll! please read and vote
Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:29 am
by Rih0
keep streets = yes