- Click image to enlarge.
Previous drafts:
http://a.imageshack.us/img375/8484/ccdraft31.pnghttp://img210.imageshack.us/img210/782/ccbignumbers.pngMap name: 'Cybercity: the uprising'
Total territories: 107
Starting nuetrals: approx. 16
Aim/Design: a large sized complex map set during a civil war on an off-world mining colony. The basic idea of the map is to provide both experienced and new players with a variety of options as to how they will attack, defend and acquire bonuses, so that players can put their favourite strategy to the test. It has something for everyone... who's game to play it.
Uniqueness: It has a solid mixture of simple mechanics, making it easy to learn and hard to master. It uses one-way attacks selectively, has four different types of bombardments, teleporters and auto+/- territs and 4 no-bonus territs.
Relevant experience: I have little experience with XML or photoshop, but I'm keen and learning and fast as you are probabling seeing by now. Apart from that i have over a decade experience as a boardgame designer. Having completed many projects including a variety of 4x game simulations on various scales. Basically, I love designing board games... and if this map is accepted, i'm sure i can bring many more unique ideas to the table.
Changes since last version:
Smaller: It's almost back up to it's otiginal size, I originally reduced it to make more room in general, but this is no longer necesarry as i am using much simpler textures and i have removed range for bombardments.
New display: now has different coloured text for easier recognition, a more accurate description of the bombardment rules.
I would very much like any feedback people may regarding this map so far... even as much as a like/dislike- here's why... would be heaps appreciated..