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A crucially important continent.
Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:42 pm
by TuckerCase
I haven't seen this yet, but maybe I've missed it. What does everyone think of having a central continent of say 3 countries worth 10-15 armies with a lot of entrance points? The point would be that the continent would be so powerful that everyone would have to base their strategy around that. It would, of course, have to be designed so that it's easy to get into so it's difficult to hold. However it wouldn't be impossible due to the low number of countries.
Re: A crucially important continent.
Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:40 am
by Industrial Helix
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you draw something out, even if it is in paint or on a piece of paper?
Re: A crucially important continent.
Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:57 pm
by carlpgoodrich
If I may: The idea is to have a somewhat normal map, except that in the middle of it there is a bonus region made up of 3 territs. The three territs would have many many neighbors (through tunnels, portals, whatever...), and would also give a very large bonus. Therefore, if someone were to hold it for even one turn, that player would get a huge advantage. Throughout the game, every player would have to be aware and develop their strategy accordingly.
I like this idea a lot. You could also make it an objective (to hold the three territs), very easy to capture, very hard to hold. You could even make it so that EVERY territ on the map can one way attack these three regions. Of course the map itself would have to develop its own theme, but I think this gameplay has potential.
Re: A crucially important continent.
Tue May 11, 2010 2:52 pm
by ComposerNate
I can imagine this as North America, the three big countries being Canada, USA, Mexico, with a lot of small territories like:
the Caribbean islands, which could all attack both US and Mexico,
Guatemala and Belize could attack Mexico,
Greenland and Bermuda, which could attack US and Canada,
some of the Pacific islands could attack all 3,
Alaska could be one of the small territs and not part of the continent, but could attack US and Canada
and so on.
Or maybe one of those naval type ones where the ships are all over the place and can attack all 3.
Re: A crucially important continent.
Tue May 11, 2010 10:38 pm
by tydie1
So, something like this?
Where everyone attacks the center because it has a disproportionately high bonus. It could be an interesting map.
Re: A crucially important continent.
Wed May 12, 2010 2:31 pm
by army of nobunaga
oasis does this