Moderator: Cartographers
natty_dread wrote:Hmm. I really liked your desert map better... I wish you'd have kept working on that one.
The huge troop amounts would make escalating games really boring, for one thing. Spoils not getting into play for a looooong time... the same problem we have with city mogul: the game is often over before the spoils come into play.
But the biggest obstacle, as I see it, is the classic layout. There have been other tries of variations of the classic map, and they haven't been very succesful. Don't need to take my word for it, I could be wrong, but I think you would have better chances of success with a layout other than the classic.
Industrial Helix wrote:If we've got classic why do we need this map?
Plus, since the gameplay is exactly the same as a certain board game, it would need approval from lack.
army of nobunaga wrote:1) looks like "World Fit War" but im old and my eyes are old
2) looks like classic map with crazy troops
I think it has potential though man. Except I would add your own stamp on it. for instance , forget countrys, its really citys that will war.
use different points than the classic map and make new bonus regions... maybe use the top populated citys only
some food for thought
army of nobunaga wrote:well if this is such a great Idea, we should take all 160 maps and create 320 maps, because we can use the "mogul anti-luck technique" on all maps.
obliterationX wrote:I can foresee some kind of domination by individuals who are able exploit the bonus system here in the last few seconds of freestyle games (not that it would make the map unfeasible, I mean, look at City Mogul and its success)!
Not to mention that a good drop may end the game prematurely... perhaps this bonus scheme would work better on a map the size of 2.1, or at least a map with more regions required for the bonuses?.
Industrial Helix wrote:If we've got classic why do we need this map?
Plus, since the gameplay is exactly the same as a certain board game, it would need approval from lack.
fumandomuerte wrote:Rather than giving +5 autodeployed to each territory I'd like to see 1 (maybe 2 for asia, europe and north america) production center/capital per continent and leave the rest of the territories with decays. That will be more accurate to the map title since in war times countries focus their efforts to the production of militar armament and general stuff related to war. And I'd change the classic +1 per 3 territories for a +1 per 2 territories starting at a minimum of 12 territories held.
Good luck bungalow!
AndyDufresne wrote:You know what I'd kind of like to see---and it fits the idea of "World at War" --- something not unlike the 3 major Super nations of 1984 battling---(though most of their battling went on in Africa and near the equator!---if it was just propaganda to begin with!)
jasnostj wrote:The multiplication of bonuses and armies to even out bad dice could be a good general feature to add to the site, so that you could play any map like that.
army of nobunaga wrote:I think it has potential though man. Except I would add your own stamp on it. for instance , forget countrys, its really citys that will war.
use different points than the classic map and make new bonus regions... maybe use the top populated citys only
jleonnn wrote:This is new stuff... almost like CC mogul
snufkin wrote:Why would people stay and starve in the already overpopulated cities?
If it had reach a critical point then surely they would go after the food, water and resources.
Greenland should become pretty attractive (a two mile thick ice sheet the size of Mexico + lots of fish) and Antarctica has 90% of the worlds fresh water.
Humans usually move and spread out if things get really shitty.
jd94 wrote:oh, like it so much. A map to negate bad luck, this is genius. I say dont change it to much from the classic map, give us the same experiance, exept with stradegy taking precidense over luck for once. Dont make it entirely too troopy, like age of realms, though. Make it as close to normal, just with all ussual troops given multiplyed by 10 or something like that. Thats what I think!
army of nobunaga wrote:well if this is such a great Idea, we should take all 160 maps and create 320 maps, because we can use the "mogul anti-luck technique" on all maps.
jleonnn wrote:It would really be a one in a million exprerience... awesome on freestyle!
ManBungalow wrote:army of nobunaga wrote:well if this is such a great Idea, we should take all 160 maps and create 320 maps, because we can use the "mogul anti-luck technique" on all maps.
I've already responded to this thought when jasnostj posted it above. I'd like this map to be something unique and really fun to play. If troop numbers were multiplied ten-fold site-wide you would have to account for the effects of the attackers' advantage. Perhaps you should make a suggestion for the dice provider where ten 'random' dice are thrown and averaged to create each figure you see?jleonnn wrote:It would really be a one in a million exprerience... awesome on freestyle!
army of nobunaga wrote:actually wait... Ill take the madagascar map... and add in the age of merchant symbols... it will be a completely new fun unique map... jsut wait guys.
ManBungalow wrote:jasnostj wrote:The multiplication of bonuses and armies to even out bad dice could be a good general feature to add to the site, so that you could play any map like that.
That's a fair point, but I can't imagine it happening anytime soon.
ManBungalow wrote:Besides, it will be a more exciting novelty if based on a single map!
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