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100 ways to die

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100 ways to die

Postby monster10 on Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:17 pm

group ways to die that r close together and make bonuses that way and make a map

ex. o0f bonuses illnesses, war injuries, poisons,etc.
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby natty dread on Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:28 pm

I'm not convinced.
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby monster10 on Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:23 pm

ok i am just offering ideas not shoving it in ur mouth
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby danfrank on Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:34 pm

monster10 wrote:ok i am just offering ideas not shoving it in ur mouth

You should try , that may convince him :-s
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby monster10 on Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:47 pm

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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby MarshalNey on Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:11 pm

Ideas are always good. I think what Natty meant (in a terse fashion) was that there needs to be a little more for this idea to go somewhere. People aren't going to comment on a thread that consists of one or two sentences (or not usually, anyway).

So... do you have an idea of layout, gameplay features, and reasons why we'll be "conquering" ways to die?
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby monster10 on Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:26 pm

well u would conquer ways to die cause u want to win
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby jrh_cardinal on Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:38 pm

he's asking why people would play this map.
Obviously once you join the game you're going to conquer ways to die so you can win, but why would people choose this map in the first place?
There are over 150 maps on CC, some, like City Mogul, Classic, and Circus Maximus are played a TON. This is not just random, people like these maps. Why will people like your map?
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby lurkerleader on Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:40 pm


100 ways to die seems very out there monster...

Firstly - to think of a 100 unique, ways to die would take a lot of creativity (not super hard, depending how related you make them)

Secondly - to fit 100 different ways on one map is a bit cluttering in my opinion (I am sure some sort of background image will not really fit this theme to make any sense of 100 different ways)

Thirdly - putting die in the title will not go over well (unless your talking about half a set of dice)

Ways to enhance your idea:
-Say you decide to make it a theme (this will give way to a better sounding title - such as "Summertime Fears")
-Said theme could encompass a beach setting, with part of the map in the water, some on the beach, maybe some on the road, and involve some sky in the corner.
-From these settings you can think of creative tragedies that might take place, and name each territory after the event
-In the water(drowning, shark attack, boat accident, hit by a surfboard, scuba accident, stung by jellyfish)
-On the beach(heat exhaustion, buried alive, drug overdose [heroin, meth, cocaine, alcohol], bring back SARS)
-Road scene(mugged, hit by a [car/truck/bus/van/any vehicle], starvation)
-In the air(mid-air collision, plane crash, parachute malfunction, hit a powerline, hit a building)
** not nearly creative enough right now to list off many ways, but hopefully you get the gist...

I am still not sure how any map would look like, but if your going to pursue this, I would suggest a name change and implementing some sort of narrower theme.
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby Industrial Helix on Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:02 am

The above post makes sense and I think you could make it something similar to 8 Thoughts, a fantastically awesome map, without copying the game play.
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby monster10 on Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:11 pm

1st it can be 52 ways to die second i am idea maker
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Re: 100 ways to die

Postby TaCktiX on Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:39 am

Dude, lurkerleader's idea is straight gold. If you went for that, I would definitely be on board to seeing horrible ways to get my poor men hurt. In addition to your standard continents (portions of the beach, parts of the water, stuff in the air, etc.), you could have special bonuses like holding drowning and shark attack is death by missing leg for an additional +1. Consider how much you could do with something like that.
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