The number of territories in this map is obviously 64, one for each square. The way territories are named are simple. The rows on the board are numbered 1-8 from top to bottom. The columns are lettered a-h from left to right. Every empty square is occupied by 1 neutral army. Every Rook starts with 4 armies. Every bishop starts with 3 armies. Every pawn starts with 2 armies. And every queen starts with 6 armies.
The starting position is a bit tricky, since in these sort of maps, it might be balanced, or it might not be. Anyways, the one I had in mind when I made this fits two players easily, black v. white. Each player starts with 10 territories. Player who goes first gets -1 on all starting position territories. For more than two players, imagine the board being split up into eight quadrants, two black and two white (Rook, Rook, Bishop) quadrants, and two black and two white (Queen, Pawn) quadrants. 3 players: each player gets 2 quadrants, the remaining 2 stay neutral. For first round, Player who goes first gets -1 on each territory. Player who goes second gets -2 on their deployed troops. 4 players: Each player gets a random queen quadrant and a rook quadrant. Player who goes third (and for future reference, thereafter gets -1 to deployed troops except for player who goes last.)
Rules: At the start of every player's turn, all pieces they own gets reverted back to their starting amounts (no penalties for the first player, which means all their pawns will have 2 armies, bishops 3 armies, rooks 4 armies, and queens 6 armies). Only the piece territories can attack. This means unoccupied territories only serve one purpose, to get a higher bonus. How attacks are made: A piece can directly attack any other square it can normally move to in a chess game. This means for example, that an e-4 black queen can take over the b-1 square with its troops. As of now, the colors black and white don't mean anything (they just look nicer).
Bonuses: Other than reversion back to original amounts, for every 2 unoccupied territory you own, you get +1. You get +2 no matter what.
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention, the other difference is that pawns can attack both forward or backwards diagonally, meaning it has access to its four corner squares.