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Is The CUBE (v 53=no!, v59!!!) ready for Graphics stamp + move to Final Forge?

Poll ended at Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:46 am

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Re: The CUBE

Postby porkenbeans on Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:22 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:
porkenbeans wrote:The theme is very good, and I would love to see this map made. However, At the risk of rustling feathers, I think the graphics suck BIG time. (but what do I know ?).
I have a suspicion that paulk feels the same, as he has continually asked for help from someone with 3-D software. I personally do not think that he really needs anything other than photoshop, to get the job done.

What sucks about them? :-s
Well, I have not studied the GP very much, But it is probably fine. It is the horrible, God awe-full, graphics.

I am trying to be as objective as I can, but, I'm sorry, IMHO it sucks. I am not talking about the chosen prospective, (view), I mean from the balls, to the connecting lines, to everything else.

If the graphics were to be brought up to speed, I imagine that this map, would be well received. But as it looks now, It is just too amateurish looking. And is NOT even close, to being up to standard. I am not saying that this map is un-fixable, With a little thought and effort, I am sure that someone will be able to come up with cool picture. That is all we are lacking here.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby army of nobunaga on Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:28 pm

I kind of have to agree with pork on this... BUTTT

this map will be the first of its kind.. The ground has to be broken for innovators to come in and make new better 3d maps.

I say go for it. There are maps with worse graphics that we play every day.

Natty spent some time with this map and worked wonders if I remember and I do not think he put a ton of time into it. I think If the map maker wants to go on with this, well, its not too damn bad. And will be a map that opens eyes to new possibilitys..

and I suppose to second or third something now?

I think what has always stalled this is because the lack of thematical graphics.. It has always been sticks and balls.
nothing like this Image
has never been tried..

or like resident evils underground map of umbrella corporations base map.

there are a lot of cube like themes that could be changed..

i dunno
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Re: The CUBE

Postby porkenbeans on Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:26 pm

army of nobunaga wrote:I kind of have to agree with pork on this... BUTTT

this map will be the first of its kind.. The ground has to be broken for innovators to come in and make new better 3d maps.

I say go for it. There are maps with worse graphics that we play every day.

Natty spent some time with this map and worked wonders if I remember and I do not think he put a ton of time into it. I think If the map maker wants to go on with this, well, its not too damn bad. And will be a map that opens eyes to new possibilitys..

and I suppose to second or third something now?

I think what has always stalled this is because the lack of thematical graphics.. It has always been sticks and balls.
nothing like this Image
has never been tried..

or like resident evils underground map of umbrella corporations base map.

there are a lot of cube like themes that could be changed..

i dunno
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Re: The CUBE

Postby paulk on Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:30 pm

I see there has been some commenting going on.
I have not done the "True 3D" version yet because its a lot of work. It also feels a bit redundant. I personally think the map looks alright as it does now. And I don't understand why porknbeans hate the graphics so much. There are many other maps that looks ten times worse out in play, but this map apparently is not making it.
I will still do the "True 3D" version though, since it seems to be the only way to get it moving, although I would rather not.

I liked the idea of a building site. Maybe someone else will make such a map after this one is done. I don't want to make it.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby RedFlyingGolf on Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:39 pm

paulk, I agree. What is so damn bad about the graphics? I can easily recognize the angle and perspective of the cube at first glance. The levels and rows aren't too terribly hard to decipher, either.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:04 pm

Yeah, I think it looks great! It'd be nice to see what someone with the power to stamp this thinks *hint* *hint*
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Re: The CUBE

Postby FarangDemon on Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:18 am

I think it will be difficult to see where someone has a bonus or where someone could potentially get a bonus. But I won't really know until I play it. So I think it should be approved anyway for the same reasons stated by others, that it is a ground-breaking idea and can be spruced up in the future if necessary.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby porkenbeans on Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:37 am

paulk wrote:I see there has been some commenting going on.
I have not done the "True 3D" version yet because its a lot of work. It also feels a bit redundant. I personally think the map looks alright as it does now. And I don't understand why porknbeans hate the graphics so much. There are many other maps that looks ten times worse out in play, but this map apparently is not making it.
I will still do the "True 3D" version though, since it seems to be the only way to get it moving, although I would rather not.

I liked the idea of a building site. Maybe someone else will make such a map after this one is done. I don't want to make it.
Yes you could find a lot of maps that are as bad (graphically) as this one, but those maps are for the most part, maps that were made way back, when the standards were not as high as they are today.

But, if CC wants to start lowering there standards, that is up to them.

I think that we need mibi back, so he can offer up his hatchet jobs, that we all looked so forward too. Well, maybe NOT all of us. :lol:
But at least with him here doing his "gloves off" commentaries, the standards were pushed to a much higher level. As it is starting to look now, we are inundated with "yes" men that praise everything that their pals throw up. Even when it is down-right terrible.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby squishyg on Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:01 pm

haven't checked in on this map in awhile. so i'm pretty fresh...

i do agree that 3D graphics would elevate this map from mediocre to outstanding. we have so many maps on CC, we should only be putting out ones at this point that are excellent.

I am a huge, huge fan of this map. I promise to play it lots!!

i deeply apologize for making a suggestion that I'm nearly positive must have been made already, but have you checked out the Google Sketch software? It's a free download and comes with instructional videos. It might really help turn this into 3D. I just started playing with it in case I ever get off my butt and work on a map.

Keep going!! This is a great idea, it just needs a better look.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:46 pm

Last edited by thenobodies80 on Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby RedBaron0 on Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:51 pm

My thought always have been that while simple and playable the map is just lacking. It's a 3D cube... great, and? Where's the hook? Where's the necessary need to fight and play? There are a couple maps currently in the library that might also fall under that category, but were quenched at a different time... My biggest thing that comes up that I DO NOT want to set a president for making maps is this: Any good concept that comes up that could be slapped up onto a semi-pretty background can be made into a map. That's not going to happen.

So again, I say, a 3D cube, great, interesting even.... and?
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Re: The CUBE

Postby porkenbeans on Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:21 pm

Last edited by thenobodies80 on Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby kengyin on Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:46 pm

instead of arguing about negative comments on this map like a few children how about some positive constructive criticism on other maps *hint* *hint*
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Re: The CUBE

Postby The Bison King on Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:20 pm


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Re: The CUBE

Postby RedBaron0 on Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:35 am

And is taking away from the actual map making.

RedBaron0 wrote:My thought always have been that while simple and playable the map is just lacking. It's a 3D cube... great, and? Where's the hook? Where's the necessary need to fight and play? There are a couple maps currently in the library that might also fall under that category, but were quenched at a different time... My biggest thing that comes up that I DO NOT want to set a president for making maps is this: Any good concept that comes up that could be slapped up onto a semi-pretty background can be made into a map. That's not going to happen.

So again, I say, a 3D cube, great, interesting even.... and?

There is a need for a more focused thematic direction. The cube is nice, and 3D makes it unique, but beyond that there is nothing beyond lines connecting balls with a generally black background, and "Kill" in the bottom corner with a random astronaut.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby thenobodies80 on Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:48 am

I've cleaned the thread, but guys, you should expect a spanking from MrBenn soon. :evil:

As RB said, please use the thread only for mapmaking suggestions, without degrading in useless "mine is bigger than yours"'s the last thing this map needs right now.... :roll:
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Re: The CUBE

Postby paulk on Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:39 pm

squishyg wrote:i deeply apologize for making a suggestion that I'm nearly positive must have been made already, but have you checked out the Google Sketch software? It's a free download and comes with instructional videos. It might really help turn this into 3D. I just started playing with it in case I ever get off my butt and work on a map.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!! =D>

I never heard of Google Sketch before, but I am just now checking out the start up videos and it seems like I actually can use it. The problem with this map has always been that I have not had any 3D program to play around with so I am very happy you pointed this one out. And no, no one has pointed it out earlier.

Still, if you make any 3D model you want to share, please do so.
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Re: The CUBE

Postby porkenbeans on Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:47 pm

paulk wrote:
squishyg wrote:i deeply apologize for making a suggestion that I'm nearly positive must have been made already, but have you checked out the Google Sketch software? It's a free download and comes with instructional videos. It might really help turn this into 3D. I just started playing with it in case I ever get off my butt and work on a map.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!! =D>

I never heard of Google Sketch before, but I am just now checking out the start up videos and it seems like I actually can use it. The problem with this map has always been that I have not had any 3D program to play around with so I am very happy you pointed this one out. And no, no one has pointed it out earlier.

Still, if you make any 3D model you want to share, please do so.
That is one awesome program. I started on the tutorial videos, MAN, this chit is incredible. A whole lot to learn, but These vids are very clear, and easy to follow.

I think that I will have to get this. :D

btw- A cube should be rather quick and easy to do. =D>
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Re: The CUBE

Postby squishyg on Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:48 pm

yay, I helped!
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Re: The CUBE

Postby RjBeals on Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:36 pm

50 pages and 3 years later and this is all we have?
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Re: The CUBE

Postby paulk on Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:22 pm

RjBeals wrote:50 pages and 3 years later and this is all we have?

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Re: The CUBE

Postby squishyg on Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:21 pm

how is cube today? does it need a squishy hug?
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Robinette wrote:
Kaskavel wrote:Seriously. Who is the female conqueror of CC?

Depends on what metric you use...
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Re: The CUBE

Postby rdsrds2120 on Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:31 pm

I love the idea of the cube, although, can we shrink the large image just a tiny bit? It's big for being big, lol
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Re: The CUBE

Postby paulk on Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:46 am

Did anyone try out Google Sketch, making a CUBE like this game cube?
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Re: The CUBE

Postby squishyg on Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:39 pm

i was just playing around with it a little... i thought you were going to try it out?
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Robinette wrote:
Kaskavel wrote:Seriously. Who is the female conqueror of CC?

Depends on what metric you use...
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