captainwalrus wrote:So I have an idea for something big. Real big. I would like to assemble a team of various mapmakers, and a few other people, to completely design and construct a new fantasy world. Now I'm not talking about just one map here, I am proposing we create something which can be the basis for dozens of maps. We can get hundreds of maps from our real world, imagine the possibilities of a world designed with CC mapmaking in mind. People would have to be dedicated, really dedicated. A lot of rough maps would have to be made never to be used. A thousand years or more of history would have to be written (not every little bit, just essentials and highlights), famous stories created, people made up. At first it wouldn't have much of an applied point, at first we would just be building a base, building cultures, races, politics, anything that we have in our world. Then would come the first map. It would be a general, not 100% accurate overview of the planet, just like the original risk map. From there expansion could be rapid. Each continent would get its own map, so that is at least 5 maps right there, then major countries, which would be 10 -20 more, then war maps, region maps, mythological maps, historical maps, everything! We would have to take care to make sure there are no inconsistencies. No element of any map could contradict another or the whole thing would be messed up.
Right now it is sort of vague, but anyone interested? It is very ambitious, but it could be epic.
Note: to help with the building of the world, you don't need any experience in mapmaking.
Oh, and it would be a closed usergroup, because I really only want people who are serious about it.
countme in on the project