whitestazn88 wrote:dude... the first version of the map was better than the 2nd version, which was just a shitload of territs placed in huge clumps with a city/castle/whatever thrown into whatever. I'd say you're better off pursuing your original idea, but with maybe a few more territs and more thought into the placement/connections between territs/bonus regions. just my 2 cents though. i think that you're letting natty make a map vicariously through you. go with your original plans and see where it goes. i'd rather have creative control and get pissed and drop the idea after 2 months than let the foundry tell me exactly what to do every step of the way.
Well, I mean, this still is my original idea. It's changed and evolved with the help of the people here in the foundry and from my own tinkering with ideas. I understand what you're saying, but I realized when I decided to go with this that I would have to compromise and change it up a little bit in order to make it work. That first map I made was a piece of crap. Graphically at least. Trust me, if I could make a map that had the same layout as that, I would. But it is too wide to have that much ocean in there. Yeah, I wanted the different empires further apart, but to make it work for a CC map, they have to be closer together or I would have to make all the land much smaller. I'm ok with the change there, as I'd rather have more land and less sea than less land and more sea.
As for the territ increase, that was my idea. I like the idea of having a big map with tons of territories. But, I understand that not everyone is like that, and I'm not making a map just for myself, I'm making it for the CC community, so it needs to conform at least somewhat to what the greater community would enjoy. So when it was suggested that I make less territories, I just took it as the advice of a seasoned map maker. It's not a big deal. Eventually, I would like to make a really big map with tons of territories, but maybe my first map isn't the best time, due to my lack of experience.
natty_dread wrote:whitestazn88 wrote:i'd rather have creative control and get pissed and drop the idea after 2 months than let the foundry tell me exactly what to do every step of the way.
Seriously, I just can't get over how absolutely horrible advice this is to give to anyone.
You know, during the time I've been in the foundry... I've seen a lot of people who do exactly that what you are saying in that part of your post that I quoted. They come in with little to no experience in either gameplay or graphics design, then start working on a map, but refuse to compromise anywhere, even when more experienced people give good reasons why something won't work... refuse to listen when people give suggestions to change something, and vehemently "stick to their guns", even when they don't really understand the basic concepts of gameplay design. Eventually, the foundry regulars who spend their time trying to help new mapmakers develop their skills, get tired of their advice not being listened, and the new mapmaker-to-be's project is forgotten, buried within that huge sea of failed map attempts...
I'm not sure if you realize it, but that is exactly what you are suggesting tkr4lf to do. Which is a fucking horrible suggestion.
I'm suggesting that he does the complete opposite: spend this time learning as much as he can, and experimenting with his map, honing his skills in graphics and gameplay design. Even if this particular map idea fails - and I don't think that it will, if he really wants to put in the effort to develop it - but even if it does, then he will have gained valuable experience that he can use in another map project.
I plan on sticking this out for as long as I can. I can't gaurantee that I will be able to finish it, but that will not be from me just giving up. There may be certain circumstances in the near future where I will not be around much anymore, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I plan to finish this map. With that said, I am kind of taking my time on it. Learning GIMP is a real bitch, as I'm not exactly inclined to this sort of thing. I find I can work on the map for a while, but then I need some breaks from it. It gets tiresome.
But anyway, to get this thread back on track...
natty_dread wrote:No, that's a lot better, gameplay-wise and graphically.
Now you should start thinking about the theme and how to implement it into the gameplay. Currently, all you have are the territories... and some bonus areas. But you also have a story for this map, and a plain, standard gameplay doesn't necessarily reflect the story the best...
I'm kind of stuck here on the random drop/conquest type map decision. I mean, I kind of want it to be a random drop map, where everybody would have as close to equal as possible opportunities to get established in any of the empires, but at the same time, I see how making it a conquest style map, ala Fuedal War, would probably better implement the theme into the gameplay.
The biggest problem I could see with making set starting positions and making everything else neutral would be the inequality in the different empires. I mean, one has 4 regions, one has 5, and one has 6. The one with 6 regions, the yellow empire, is mostly made up of smaller bonus areas. The one with 5, the red empire, is mostly made up of larger bonus areas. So, unlike Fuedal War, it wouldn't really be even.
Now, one possible solution I can think of is to get rid of the bonus areas. Make it all just regular land. No different colored land anyway. Maybe then I would do some map-like graphics on the land, showing deserts or forrests, plains and hilly regions, etc. Then the only real bonuses would be city bonuses. Instead of making just two cities per bonus area, I could put tons of cities spread throughout all the empires. Maybe something like +2 for the first city, +1 for each city after that. Maybe higher. That would depend on how many cities I would put into the map.
I would still want one region-type bonus, but for the empires. Once a person holds all of one empire, then a large bonus should be granted. For the blue empire, something like +15. For the red empire, something like +20. For the yellow empire, something like +25. These are just random numbers I'm throwing out. Some careful consideration for gameplay and balance could be done here.
Then, once a person owns a whole empire and the Imperial Palace island(not just the palace, the whole 4 territ island), then a very big bonus should be granted. Something like +30 for the blue empire and the imperial isle, +40 for the red empire and the imperial isle, and +50 for the yellow empire and the imperial isle.
To offset this, each starting place (which I could make a castle or a major city with the other cities being minor cities, I don't know, something) would receive a hefty autodeploy and each city would receive a minor-to-mid level autodeploy.
This is honestly the only way I see using starting positions and making this a conquest type map being fair at all. Any other way I can think of puts too much advantage on certain starting positions.
Otherwise, we could just go with a random drop and go with the two cities per bonus region. But I don't this really reflects the theme so well. The starting position/conquest type gameplay would reflect the theme.
Thoughts on this? I'd like as many people's opinion on this as possible. This map will be for everyone, so I'd like a lot of suggestions, ideas, opinions, etc.