by gimil on Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:53 am
UNfortunatly alot of the new map makers have faile in their attempts becasue as tack said they dont work with the process. I have seen to many new map makers beleive that they can say "I dont eant to do that" and thing thats the end of an issues.
Experience map makers dont get the benefit of the doubt, its just so happens their experience know what their doing to get their map moving quicker. A perfect example is qwerts, who is established and expereinced map maker. but forever has problems with his map which is holding it back. I myself have never mad a map move quickly through the foundry, and im THE AUTHORITY that you say is so corrupt. Many times me and oaktown have refused to stamp each others maps (DESPITE being ready) to ensure their is no reason to be accused of favouritism.
I look on these map,and i realy dont understand what is wrong with these map,why these map not progres? Why these map not in Final forge? Mine map have problems because you come one time in 10 days and say'Hmm something is confusing,i will post later" and you have time to post on each other map,almost every day.Ofcourse that aim a problem,because i fight for mine idea,and how map must look,and these is normal, and you dont like these. All map makers must have same treatment,but these is dificulty to achieve here.