Well, based on Porkenbeans Blue Marble Map Idea and on a recent outing I had to a billiard hall which I thoroughly enjoyed, I came up with this new concept for this project. I love the colours and the way it fits in with the connections between cities (balls). I also like how each ball color represents a specific type of city, and how appropriate it is that red balls stand for battles and the black balls for the six religious sites one must conquer to win the game.
I'm a big fan of simple, concise, minimalist rules, and I think this delivers - with the help of the color scheme and the freedom accorded by the connections to connect cities / battles exactly as I want them to work. I'm open, hoever, to ideas like "Capitals can bombard any cities within their empires" (except maybe religious sites, if any...) to show the range of the central power, "ll battle sites are -2 armies" (to reflect combat attrition), etc.
This is by no means the final draft, just a preliminary one to get the feel of the Foundry for this concept.
What do you all think?