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Omega Cities v4 <waiting for XML update>

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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby OliverFA on Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:29 am

After digging more in the map gameplay, my first impressions confirm. This is a great game concept. :D

It's a pitty that conditional tags are not implemented, because buildings like recruitment center or food refinery would make more sense with the autodeploy being in the village or the farm. This map would also be great with upkeep, because then mines and farms could be different resources. But maybe in the second version of the map ;)

I think that hexes really fit this kind of map. In fact I don't understand why there are no more hexes maps in CC... In any case, this map is perfect with hexes.

About starting positions, why do you want to make some neutral towns? If you have 16 towns, make all of them playable. Then on each game there will be 8 player towns and 8 neutral towns, but they will be pick randomnly among the 16 towns, which will make for a lot more varied and interesting games.

I suppose you want to require holding at least one city to stay alive. Otherwise you will have problem with players having no cities but still owning buildings.

You will have also to think about neutrals. I understand this comes as a second phase after working out buildings. But do you have an idea how do you want them to be? Do you want neutrals to be in big numbers to slow development? Or want them to be small so it' more open war?

One question that I think it's important. How did you figure the bonus numbers? And how many neutrals will every building have? That will be important in the tweaking phase.

In the last par of my post I want to focus on buildings (in this phase I am commenting more on concepts than on numbers. Numbers will come later in the development):

- Barracks will make a great building when AA gets implemented. A perfect las line of defense.

- I am not sure that you should get +2 per each factory and each mine you have. After all, the rough materials are in the mine. Having more factories won't increase mine production. Maybe it would make more sense with something like "you get +x per each mine if you also have at least one factory". The you can raise that +2 to +3 or +4 to compensate that only the first factory is useful.

- The same with food refinery

- It's a good idea that of getting bonuses for additional cities, that comes with transport station. But this is too similar to barracks. I think you want to make numbers matter here, so "the union makes the force". Then, what about making it in a way the 4 transport stations provide a higher bonus than 4 barracks? The actual numbers would have to be worked out. But something like this.
Code: Select all
1 TS --> +1
2 TS --> +2
3 TS --> +3
4 TS --> +6
5 TS --> +10
6 TS --> +15
7 TS --> +20
8 TS --> +30

It would have to stop at 8 TS for not making it a game killer

- Recruitment center: Well, I dont want to repeat again the same comment. Just to say that I am not sure about stacking this kind of buildings effects. (else this or coming up with an imaginative solution to explain why they stack. In fact, the best thing would be to have some of them stacking and some others not stacking)

- Defense Turret / Missile Base: I like them a lot. Those buildings alone would be reason enough for having hexes in the map. Maybe cost will need to be adjusted, but concept is great. One question. Are you going to require defense turret for missile base to work?

- Technology: I personally think it would be better if it doubled Factory and Food Refiney bonuses instead of giving a flat +2.

- Air base: The problem with the building is that it is very powerful. The building pretty nullifies everything else. It's good to have some counter method to balance things, but in my opinion it needs to be pretty much in control. My suggestion is for this building to be killer neutral. This would allow players to attack other players buildings from time to time, but not to continue doing it forever once the building is "operative". I would make it come after Missile base, so if a player want to use the Air Base it shold be a long term commitment. And I would place barracks safe from this.

- Military academy: The problem with this building is that if a player conquers it and later has bad luck, he has very big malus to his economy.

I hope you don't get angry with me for making so many comments. It is just my opinion, and suggestions for you. Of course, you can follow them or not. It's your map. I just wanted to provide useful feedback on it, and had no intention to criticize you idea or spoil it ;)

In summary, very good map. I am looking forward to beta test it, and I'm sure will enjoy watching its development.
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:37 am

Firstly, thanks for your great feedback Oliver!

I have to run a quick errand, I'll answer in detail when I get back...
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby OliverFA on Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:07 am

natty_dread wrote:Ok, as for gameplay...

I'm thinking, since this map has a lot of territories, and I want the focus to be on the building bonuses, not hoarding land, I'm going to severely limit the territory bonus.

What I'm currently thinking is: 1 for every 4 territories, minimum 3, maximum 10.

You could use it to have more varied buildings. For example, what about if your "Recruitment center" worked this way:
- Define an area of influence for the city (radious 3,4,5, or 6. For the actual number the sweet spot would have to be found).
- Once you have the recruitment center for that city, each x territories in the influence area of the city provide +1 bonus.

So the recruitment center would do what its name suggest. It would recruit soldiers from city's surrounding area. But without that recruitment center the bonus would be a lot smaller or maybe even 0.

natty_dread wrote:--- more gameplay musings:

If, by chance, we manage to get conditional autodeploys implemented while the map is in gameplay, I'd very much like to make all the building bonuses to autodeploy in their respective cities. Except maybe the transport center bonus. This would bring a totally unique aspect in the gameplay of the map.

It's a pretty big if though.

Very nice idea, but I think you'd better concentrate on developing this version with what we have, and then use conditional deploys for v2.

natty_dread wrote:Another question that needs consideration, is... losing conditions? There are several buildings that can only bombard, and several buildings that cannot assault at all. Perhaps it would be prudent to code it so that if you hold nothing but buildings that cannot assault, you are out of the game.

It's my opinion that this map needs losing conditions to work. I see two possible ways they could be implemented.

- The most logical and normal one. Hold at least one city.
- Introduce a new building, "Command Center" or "Palace". This building can't attack back its city. But gets a small autodeploy (+1 or +2). So this building will have a great garrison in it for sure AND making this building also losing condition. (so the losing condition would be not having neither cities nor command centers). What's the point of this building? The point is allowing the player to stay alive after losing a city. Some sort of guerrilla. The player is somewhere on the open field. No cities, no bonuses, but still alive and commanded from the secret facility hidden in his home city. Without bonuses he is almost done. But he is not done yet. He can make a last attempt. Maybe to make things more interesting make it in a way that if you have a command center (but not any city) then you get higher bonus form lands outside cities.

natty_dread wrote:Although, on that note... I'm not sure if the buildings should be unable to assault back to their city (except barracks). Sure, this makes the barracks building more special... but perhaps it doesn't need to be that special, maybe it suffices to have it as an easy autodeploy bonus? Also the military academy building will hugely increase the importance of the barracks.

I think the only building that should be able to attack its city are the barracks. It makes them even more important. But they are supposed to be important. And as I said, for AA it will make a great last line of defense.

The military academy, maybe you should require two cities for its malus to be triggered.

natty_dread wrote:Also... the Air Base is an important building, being able to bombard other cities' buildings. But it seems really powerful, each of them being able to assault all cities. Perhaps a range limit should be implemented?

I suggest making it killer neutral. So you have to pay for the cost of bombarding each time you want to use it. It limites its power while still making it useful. I also suggest making it the third of the "air buildings" (making them some sort of mini-tech tree. So if you want to bombard you must commit to it conquering all three buildings).

natty_dread wrote:Like, bombard the buildings of cities at range 10. This would effectively make it about half the map for most cities. Or perhaps a less realistic but more "fair" solution: bombard the buildings of cities on the same side of the river?

I dislike the river solution. It's a personal preference, but I like things to have sense. And provided you have a pretty hex map, use it to set that 10 hexes range.

natty_dread wrote:Thoughts on these and other topics would be welcome.

I think you have a few buildings which are almost the same (the factories and the food refineries plus the recruitment center). I already made a suggestion for making the recruitment center different.
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:23 am

OliverFA wrote:I think that hexes really fit this kind of map. In fact I don't understand why there are no more hexes maps in CC... In any case, this map is perfect with hexes.

I agree.

OliverFA wrote:About starting positions, why do you want to make some neutral towns? If you have 16 towns, make all of them playable. Then on each game there will be 8 player towns and 8 neutral towns, but they will be pick randomnly among the 16 towns, which will make for a lot more varied and interesting games.

No, see, starting positions are divided equally. If there's 16 starting positions, then in an 8-player game each player gets 2 cities.

However, that might not be a bad thing. I'm still living in the hope that we'll get 12 player games some day... so I'm thinking the maps should at least have 12 starting positions. Maybe all 16. It could be nice to start with 2 cities, then you'd have to strategize more - for example, you start with one city that is easier to defend, and one that can get easier bonuses, which one will you deploy on...

OliverFA wrote:I suppose you want to require holding at least one city to stay alive. Otherwise you will have problem with players having no cities but still owning buildings.

Well, not the cities really. Because barracks can assault back to the city, that function would be useless if you would die without a city.

My last post had some ideas about this. Basically, there's 2 ways to go about this... either we keep the buildings (except barracks) unable to assault back to the city, and have a losing condition that kills you if you hold only those buildings, or only buildings that cannot assault or bombard anywhere.

Another option is to allow all the buildings to assault back to their own city. This would make sense in a way... deploying on your buildings is kinda like assigning soldiers to defend the buildings, so they're harder to bombard... so these soldiers could take back the main city if an enemy has taken it. However... this would eliminate a strategic element, where you have to consider how many troops you want to assign to your buildings, since they are stuck there if you do. With this option there would be no losing condition.

I haven't decided either way. Both options have their ups and downs.

OliverFA wrote:You will have also to think about neutrals. I understand this comes as a second phase after working out buildings. But do you have an idea how do you want them to be? Do you want neutrals to be in big numbers to slow development? Or want them to be small so it' more open war?

Well, I wouldn't want to go to either extreme... but I think the land area neutrals should be designed to allow reasonably easy expansion to the resource territories, although the resource territories themselves should maybe be slightly higher. Villages should have the highest neutrals - this makes sense both thematically and gameplay-wise: villages have people defending them, and they have an autodeploy so they are most valuable in the beginning.

The positions of the resources wrt. the cities may have to be tweaked also. I've designed the layout so that each city is at least 5 territories away from every other city. But the resources may not be balanced yet... I don't want them to be absolutely equal, so that every city would have the exact same resources, but they should be fair - so that if a city has a worse access to one resource, it should be balanced with a better access to another.

One question that I think it's important. How did you figure the bonus numbers? And how many neutrals will every building have? That will be important in the tweaking phase.

The neutrals of the buildings will be varied. I want the neutral amounts on them to simulate the effort/resources necessary to build them, so taking down the neutrals would be analogous to the building process. I also want the neutrals to be balanced according to the value/benefit gained from the said building. They will very likely require lots of tweaking.

I am not sure that you should get +2 per each factory and each mine you have. After all, the rough materials are in the mine. Having more factories won't increase mine production. Maybe it would make more sense with something like "you get +x per each mine if you also have at least one factory". The you can raise that +2 to +3 or +4 to compensate that only the first factory is useful.

Ok, this is an issue where there's two perspectives... gameplay perspective and thematic perspective.

To answer the thematic point you raise... you could look at it this way: having more mines increases the available bulk materials, but having more factories increases the speed you are able to process them.

In the gameplay perspective, I want to keep the buildings cumulative because this way the player has incentive to take other cities, and benefits from it, but the player can also benefit from taking more mines.

Perhaps a limit could be placed, something like "building bonuses are cumulative up to 6 cities" or something like that. So that only the first 6 buildings of the same type would be useful.

- It's a good idea that of getting bonuses for additional cities, that comes with transport station. But this is too similar to barracks. I think you want to make numbers matter here, so "the union makes the force". Then, what about making it in a way the 4 transport stations provide a higher bonus than 4 barracks? The actual numbers would have to be worked out. But something like this.

The idea is good, but the problem is fitting that table of bonuses on an already crowded map.

Maybe we can think of something more feasible for this. We could change the function of the building to something entirely different.

- Recruitment center: Well, I dont want to repeat again the same comment.

Well, I don't want to repeat again the same answer ;)
See the factories answer.

Defense Turret / Missile Base: I like them a lot. Those buildings alone would be reason enough for having hexes in the map. Maybe cost will need to be adjusted, but concept is great. One question. Are you going to require defense turret for missile base to work?

No, they are independent. The player can choose which one to take. One allows longer range but with a higher cost. There's strategy involved... will you go for the defense turret and get a low-range bombardment, or will you wait until you can afford the upkeep of the missile base? If you take the defense turret, then you're stuck with it (unless your teammate or an enemy bombards it for you) so if you want to take the missile base then, you'll have to pay both upkeeps... I think it's a neat dynamic, here.

Oh and yeah, the hexes are definitely needed for this kind of functionality.

- Technology: I personally think it would be better if it doubled Factory and Food Refiney bonuses instead of giving a flat +2.

Hmm, depends on how we end up making the factory & refinery bonuses. I think it's better to figure them out first, then figure out how the tech center can best complement them.

- Air base: The problem with the building is that it is very powerful. The building pretty nullifies everything else. It's good to have some counter method to balance things, but in my opinion it needs to be pretty much in control. My suggestion is for this building to be killer neutral. This would allow players to attack other players buildings from time to time, but not to continue doing it forever once the building is "operative". I would make it come after Missile base, so if a player want to use the Air Base it shold be a long term commitment. And I would place barracks safe from this.

It already has a high cost involved. You lose -10 from your deployment. And the ability bombard buildings is necessary: some buildings have upkeep, so if you take them from your enemy, then you get stuck with the upkeep costs. Bombardment allows to neutralize them without screwing yourself.

But yeah, I'm thinking of placing a range limit on this.

- Military academy: The problem with this building is that if a player conquers it and later has bad luck, he has very big malus to his economy.

Yes, that's the risk involved. The risk is proportional to the benefit. After all, if you hold, say, 6 cities, this thing can give you a 60-10 = +45 bonus. But it can require some tweaking, yes.

I hope you don't get angry with me for making so many comments.

On the contrary! It's great to have this much feedback. I Hope you'll have the energy to keep discussing these things during the gameplay development. It's good to have different viewpoints on things, in fact it's probably necessary for a map this complex.

-- since you posted another post while I was writing this, I'm going to answer that one here too --

You could use it to have more varied buildings. For example, what about if your "Recruitment center" worked this way:
- Define an area of influence for the city (radious 3,4,5, or 6. For the actual number the sweet spot would have to be found).
- Once you have the recruitment center for that city, each x territories in the influence area of the city provide +1 bonus.

So the recruitment center would do what its name suggest. It would recruit soldiers from city's surrounding area. But without that recruitment center the bonus would be a lot smaller or maybe even 0.

That's a neat idea in principle, only it has a few practical problems...

- what about cities on the edge? They would get less bonus.
- this would render the villages less useful. I would like each resource to be something that can be used by a building.

Also a thematic issue: this is a dystopic world, where there isn't much people around. Basically, all the "regular" territories are useless wasteland, with no people living on them. Only the farms have fertile land, which makes them valuable.

I don't want to disable the territory bonus alltogether, because having lots of secure land is also beneficial to a city, for logistical reasons. But there's a limit to the usefulness of useless wasteland, therefore, the max 10 cap.

Very nice idea, but I think you'd better concentrate on developing this version with what we have, and then use conditional deploys for v2.

Yes, for now I'm developing this on the XML features we have. I'm just saying, if conditional autodeploys get implemented before this map gets the gp stamp, then I'm going to use them. One can always hope, right?

It's my opinion that this map needs losing conditions to work.

Why? I'd like to hear your reasoning on this...

Personally I don't really see why this map would need one. If you still have armies outside a city, what stops you from taking back your city and rebuilding?

Maybe we could instead have a losing condition that kills you off if you only have territories that cannot assault anywhere or territories that can only bombard. Ie. Hold at least one city, land territory or barracks to stay in the game.

I also suggest making it the third of the "air buildings" (making them some sort of mini-tech tree. So if you want to bombard you must commit to it conquering all three buildings).

Well, I want all the buildings to be buildable independently. I want to stress the conceptual differences between this map and R&C... so that the buildings are not just "researches with a different name", they actually act like buildings. And for buildings, IMO, it makes more sense that you don't have to build one building to be able to build another... I want the players to be able to make the choice.

About the killer neutral thing, I think it would be hard to balance. With lots of neutrals, it would be hard enough to take, but nobody would want to take all those neutrals again and again... with few neutrals, it would be too easy. And a killer neutral would destroy the concept of upkeep cost that I want to keep consistent for the buildings.

I think I'd rather go with the range solution. We'll just have to choose the optimal range, that makes it useful but not too powerful. Maybe only the nearest cities? With a range of 6, the nearest cities could be bombarded.

About leaving barracks immune... I'm not sure about that either. Think of it this way: the cities are immune to bombardments, so if your buildings get bombarded, then you can use the city to take them back. If your city gets taken by assault, then you can use the barracks to take it back. Therefore, the most effective assault would be a combination of assault and bombardment. This seems like a neat (and realistic) concept, IMO.

Whoa, that was a lot of text. Let me again say that I appreciate your various well thought-out opinions, even if I disagree with some of them. I hope you'll keep giving your feedback for this map, particularly on things you disagree with - disagreements, if handled right, often produce the best end results, when both parties have to think extra hard to defend their side of the argument. :)
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby Nola_Lifer on Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:40 pm

This is awesome natty. More hexes as said above and to be honest. I'd like to see most of your ideas become CC maps :!: :!: :!:
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:38 pm

Nola_Lifer wrote:This is awesome natty. More hexes as said above and to be honest. I'd like to see most of your ideas become CC maps :!: :!: :!:

Heh, I'm sure I've had some crappy ideas down the line ...
Thanks for the support though. :)
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Re: Omega Cities v2

Postby natty dread on Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:40 am

Ok, time for update of the day.

So I added in the stuff about the limited territory bonus. This means that you can get a bonus for holding 40 territories, but more won't benefit you.

Also, Air base now has a range of 5. It can bombard the buildings of cities at that range. It's still pretty useful, you just have to take a city next to the city you want to demolish...

Both Air base and Military Academy now cost 12 to hold.

Also, bonus buildings now cumulate up to 6 buildings. This applies to: Factory, Food Refinery, Recruitment & Technology Centers and Military Academy. In other words, holding more than 6 of any of these buildings won't benefit a player. This cap is partly for realism, partly to prevent bonuses of a single building type from rising to absurd levels.

The costs of those buildings still cumulate up to the full 16, though. So in fact if you hold more than 6 of some of them, you'll probably gain a lesser bonus! This hopefully forces players to strategize with the cities, and use the Air bases to bombard rather than take buildings willy-nilly.

Click image to enlarge.

Comments welcome!
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:03 am

Please note, dear foundry people, that this is also the first hex map that has the hexes the right way around.

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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby Hannibał on Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:40 pm

Just noticed this thread from your signature..if you made the map more like Middle ages, or First nations of americas or really anything other then the hive/kings court style boring visuals, those maps seem like your just going through the motions to get it over with. For me atleast, just my 2Ā¢.
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:54 pm

Hannibał wrote:Just noticed this thread from your signature..if you made the map more like Middle ages, or First nations of americas or really anything other then the hive/kings court style boring visuals, those maps seem like your just going through the motions to get it over with. For me atleast, just my 2Ā¢.

Nopes, but thanks for feedback!
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby Hannibał on Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:29 pm

No problem, after posting I saw end of thread and that you've advanced. Just another hex map ill be terrible at! ;)

I like the idea, and bonus's though!
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby thenobodies80 on Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:22 am

I have just a question for you.
Are you 100% sure you want to go with hexes? I think you could have a better final result without them.
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:45 am

thenobodies80 wrote:I have just a question for you.
Are you 100% sure you want to go with hexes? I think you could have a better final result without them.

Yes I'm 100% sure. If you read the thread, there has already been discussion about it, and the hex-layout has been deemed necessary for the kind of gameplay dynamic this map is trying to achieve.

There are people both for and against the use of hexes, but in this case I believe they are necessary. This map is not going to be for everyone's tastes, and neither is King's Court or Hive... but unlike those other hex maps, at least my map has the hexes the right way around! :lol:

To elaborate: the map has several bombardment features that are based on range, with high ranges like 6. Those kind of features would be very hard on the players without the hex layout. Additionally, the hex layout allows a very large, open and flexible playing field, which I also find necessary for the kind of dynamics this map is going for.
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:02 pm

Jesus, natty (uh, I mean, Darwin... or something...) I can't believe I didn't see this before! This really is beautiful in both gameplay and graphics. And I'm definitely with you on the hexes, they are a necessity for this style of gameplay. I'm one of those nerds that plays those strategy hex games, so I fully appreciate the use of them :) Anywho, let's get jiggy with it, mah fresh princes:

  1. The territory names need to be altered somewhat, IMO. Given the naming of the cities, I'm not a fan of the hexes having letters corresponding to them that don't involve the city they share a letter with. Solutions could include actually naming the cities real names (even if it's like "Aus", "Bix", "Cho", etc.), or changing the territory-naming formula.
  2. I like the function of the Barracks, and I think it should indeed be the only tech that can assault its city back. Maybe decrease the auto-deploy to +2, since it'll prolly be quite important as a defensive tactic, and, if you decide to include losing conditions (which you pretty much have to) you could include all land territories, cities and barracks, since they all can attack stuff.
  3. Some small graphical things: "gives" next to "Factory" should not be highlighted in blue, "Air Base" could use a more distinguishable color from "Missile Base", the ports could stand to look less like home plates :P , and I think the "techs" should be organized so that buildings come first, and military stuff comes second.
  4. I think the nomenclature (here I go again :P) of the buildings could be tweaked a bit. "Transport Station", "Technology Center", and "Food Refinery" all don't sound quit right...

Looks really nice gameplay-wise. I'm sure some stuff will be tweaked in Beta, but it seems pretty solid right now.

Last edited by Victor Sullivan on Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:23 pm

Thanks for your feedback Victor. Glad you like the map!

Short names for the cities may not be a bad idea. If we can think of 16 3-4 letter names... why not. (City O will be Ome and City G will be Ga, ehehehe.)

With the new site-wide clicky maps, territory names being distinguishable from each other becomes less of an issue, IMO. With a map that has 351 territories... well, let's just say figuring out a name for each territory would be kind of a chore, so I think the letter-number naming scheme for the regular territories is the best solution available.

I agree about the ports, I will make them fancier at some point. I was thinking of adding some buildings on them and maybe some tiny ships in anchor around them.

I disagree with decreasing the barracks autodeploy. If anything it may have to be increased... do you realize the scale of bonuses on this map? +3 is practically piss in the ocean...

About the buildings, I'm re-considering some things Oliver said...

My main concern right now is that the high bonus penalties on the bombardment buildings (Missile & Air base) will simply make players ignore them, but without a penalty they would be too powerful...

So here's what I'm considering: scrap the transport center, since it's pretty much a filler building and not very relevant... Then, add a "Military Base" building, which has a small upkeep cost, maybe -2 or -3. Then change Air base and Missile base to Air Strike and Missile Strike, respectively, make them killer neutrals, and make them accessible only from the Military Base.

How does that sound?

Also, do you have alternative suggestions for the building names that you dislike?
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:32 pm

Ok, possibility for city names:

Code: Select all

Apart from Ome & Ga, they are all abbreviations of known world cities. Can you guess all of them?
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:22 pm

Lol, forgot the "[/list]" tag in my first post. I hate it when I do that... :P

Anywho, your name list looks good, though I would change "Ga" to "Gah", just to be consistent with the three-letter nomenclature.

Military base idea is good. Roll with it. I thought this map was lacking in the killer neutral department :P

With the naming of the cities, I'm not so concerned about the standard territory names. And you brought up a good point with clickies. Also, I don't think the prefixes for the villages, mines, and farms are necessary. Just put numbers and put "Farm 12" in the XML.

I'll think about better nomenclature for the buildings.
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:28 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:Anywho, your name list looks good, though I would change "Ga" to "Gah", just to be consistent with the three-letter nomenclature.

People would think I stole it from Feudal... :P
Plus, it would kinda defeat the point...

Victor Sullivan wrote:Also, I don't think the prefixes for the villages, mines, and farms are necessary. Just put numbers and put "Farm 12" in the XML.

I wouldn't go that far... there's a lot of territories here, so it's better to have unique labels for each territory.
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:29 pm

I suppose, but isn't the fancy hex design enough?
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby natty dread on Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:32 pm

Enough for what?
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Re: Omega Cities v1

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:36 pm

natty_dread wrote:Enough for what?

The farms/mines/villages
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Re: Omega Cities v3

Postby natty dread on Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:35 pm

Here's the next iteration.

Click image to enlarge.

Ok, Transport Center is gone.
A new building introduced: Military Base. It's only function is it accesses the military strikes - Missile Strike and Air Strike, which reset to neutral when held. So they are kind of non-buildings.

I know, I know, the solution with the arrows under the building names is not a very good one. I'll think of something better, I just put there to illustrate the dynamics.
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Re: Omega Cities v3

Postby Riskismy on Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:03 pm

re: Naming of standard territories:

With such a large map I think it's important to make it easy to find any given territory in question. I often find I want to check the map for which territories changed hands between other players. Thus, it's important to implement some naming scheme that's easy to find your way around, just like the hive map or the current letter/number combination.
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Re: Omega Cities v3

Postby natty dread on Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:19 pm

I will only be changing names of the cities.
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Re: Omega Cities v3

Postby Teflon Kris on Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:54 am

natty_dread wrote:I will only be changing names of the cities.

My vote fgoes to inventing names - enables players and TOs to consider the map to be wherever and whenever they like in their imagination.
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