More of the Game's contents.. October 14th 2010
1 Re-supply....Incorporated into having/holding a Fort could be:
Points would represent that area's ability to maintian it's Army...thus size..and types of men or horses,canons..{ Note this is an assumed number for holding a " Region" as a region would,hopefully,be able to support itself with Food,water...and the making of it's own equipment/repair etc.The points would also be used as a supplier factor when attacking and in the real world..there is no " Unlimited amount of Resources available for supporting men, that should be factored in some way to add to the Battle,Attack/Defend Scenario...thus the supply points can be accumulated over time,if a Fort is held,just like in real world an ARMY builds it's supplies before an Attack or if known to should some simple "CODE/Allowance" be made for this aspect of battles..Right...
So a starting point for,BETA/game purposes ,to see what number affects Fair outcomes of battles,defense..attack etc..trying to add this so that again just stacking 30 men and moving against a fort with huge numbers won't ensure immediate was the case of the time/Star fort...was not easily overrun,I'm trying to check into this from historical stand points to move Across France with an Army,say...just a guess but for a starting point say..{.9 canons,3 horse,9 men..}.would use up some amount of the further from their supply base the longer supplies take..Right..and the longer that Army needs supplies,note to put in Strategy guide,if supply line is cut off that Army is " OUT of Supply"...and has..2-4 turns? to get a direct supply route back to that Fort or take another one..kind of time frame..}
So as for being" Supplied" a code has to be implemented to ADD/Subtract/keep supplied..? some amount from an ARMY of that size...however what if the player chooses to have smaller armies move to a location{ Fort or Battle} smaller form a larger Force.?
Issue/problem...what size Army would need supplies.?again written into the code/ explained in Strategy guide...
So basically what I've described adds realism to the Fort Battles and larger Picture of the WAR/France Battle...
A Starting Value,explained in the Strategy guide...after worked out in Beta...could be
Owning a Fort = 20 pts /turn and accumulated each turn the fort is held..
{ Note to add to Code" if Fort/Region is half taken,1/3 taken etc..the Resupply points fall by that percentage}... representing the portion of the food produced,or equipment not able to be produced..ETc would diminsh as people/Soldiers would not be making too much food or equipment..etc.. during a seige vs time's of No Siege....right..And what amount of Attack = underattack..? as a player could somehow send one canon,horse,men to attack..get through but no real" Attack" is happening just a players way of disrupting the resupply Fort Value..?This Reupply Value allows the Fort holder to hold the fort,some amount of was Vaubans intent until hopefully Reinforcements arrive.
Offensive supply points - 17
Defensive supply points - 17....but to be Determined,During BETA, what value adds Realism,how much resupply / how much oversupply was able to be accumulated by a region...thus creating" Stores" for future use..for the purposes of "CODE "simplicity just call them Supply points or Stores..don;t have to break them down into food,ammo,canons balls,,new muskets...all things needed by an Army will be assumed to be made and just called " Supplies or Stores".
This concept of Re-supply is two order for an Army to Attack it needs offensive attack points...and to Defend longer,Defensive supply that if there's a " Star Fort with 15 interior spaces of men/Horses,Canons..diff types,maybe...then the Turn/Daily Resupply value{ Could/ would }be of 15+ 2 Extra thus the army " Stored " 2" for Future use...and the Same Values could be used for Offensive...the problem will be to work backwards...? Meaning in order to obatin " Realistic Game play" using this type of Re-Supply...the width of the Map how many spaces and as mentioned thought to How much an Army needs for supplies while attacking and How much Resupply,Each turn/Day is an Army moving across..say France would take..hmmm..7 days or more to move if allowed unimpeded....or maybe it's assumed that the Amry is in supply as long as the Fort is held or enough " OTHER" supply points from the Maps{ Large/Small} to maintain the Army's Strength....
Strength...what should happen to an army " not Supplied"...? if given by " our Game Rules,Subject to change during BETA...That the ARMY has some amount of time...1-3..0r 2-4 days to Restablish supply line's back to the fort or obtain another supply point...another Fort.?Whereby in the Game Code{ Explained in Strategy guide} like other games have here,a decreasing unit supply/unit amount should units not be supplied would they not usually perish or at best tbe very ineffective.?This to me is also a key to the larger Game play of Planning the Attack...which to me should involve at least two types of battle's...battles for the LAND..." open Spaces"..though those can be supply spots,mountains,rivers,roads,forrests..grain fields = { Field MAP}..BETA 2....Beta 1 is just the Two forts with one " Open Field Battle" to me...
Forgot to mention..the other Map you'll need..Clickout type like the Fort battle the "OPEN Field" type{ Detailed w/Terrain } to represent Battles that could/Will be fought before getting to the not all battle's were fought at forts...hmmmm......but stick to making the FORT Battle...and the various Attack,Terrain,supply,Defend scenario's..first then just make another " Field Map" for the other battles..with the same Attributes of game play that are developed...
so back to the ARMY /Supply Attack the supply points/Daily Resupply values need to represent what would allow..hmm 2-5 days...of Attacking....those attack points will accumulate over time/Turns until used by the player...thus if a player Attacks...his defense points are building...and vice a versa...some one Defending would have Attack supply points building.....okay lets assume a fort battle is over....
SPOILS:.....Can be gaining opposing players Attack/Defend points....or some portion while they hold a portion of that players region...{ Explained in Strategy guide } written into the game code..but kept simple to explain in the guide and the players..
Cards :.... Giving Attention to the overall GAME...should the cards be able to be used in the Standard Dropped wherever needed.? or should with this NEW Game be able to be deployed only at Fort's.? and thus have to make a journey/or Fort Reinforecement...used to buy /Choose/Reinforce,whatever word you like..Different type's of Equipment{ Horses/Canons} at the Fort,or fort of choice, which to me adds the Realism of this NEW Game idea...but keeping to the " CARDS/Reinforcement tradition...Two choices should Exist....
A} Reinforcements with a CARD/if that spot is owned of whatever type of card,"Horse,Men,Canon" in whatever portion of the " Turn-In Value" of that particular card's /Percentage of that several spots could be reinforced or none...with those troops.A player would know this several moves in Advance and like regular risk,could plan to attack that spot to help of getting certain troops to help with an attack or defense,....." Code " Problem...the newly placed armies would Take away from the supply/Resupply added to the " Game Code"...needed in resupply section..."CARDS/New Army"...or whatever name you give it...becuase the game will all of a sudden be forced with a supply issue/as will the player...if the addition of 10,15 ,20 armies places the supply over the Re-supply Value..for Attack or defense...the Army would be rendered useless,possiblly,as it tries to attack/ Adjusted Allowance.." however unrealisitc" needs to be implemented at the time Cards are the make the supply value Equal to or alittle Greater than, the Army Value..ETC...... simplify the whole thing..hmmm How you ask..? simple just using the cards of the game with the different regions Supply points{ added to the Resupply/Turn Values} if Captured/Held{ Explained in the Strategy guide} an attacker would thus have some reason to attack certain regions{ larger map},not just for a tactical reason but supply reason/Adding to their personal tactical/Strategy objectives vs others,supply points.? like in real help with resupplying the Army/Gaining supply points to attack further/Longer..ETc..
Okay now the hard part of the CARDS Scenario....what about the " STAR Fort" smaller battle field.....should cards/Extra supply points,or spots on that battle field represent extra supply,as trying to have TWO set's of cards that interact or are the player and all the CODE involved is substantial...whew,nope..soo....
Let's say that the addition of some amount of {Re-supply/Supply spots} should be included on the smaller maps{ Fort/Field} to allow for an objective on that battle field to attack to/Defend so as not to lose those points,thus like as was mentioned some portion of the Region held by an attacker would lessen the Fort's Resupply.
So there is an inherent larger problem...or Resupply...{ The smaller map resupply spots being taken or given during card turn-in vs that card turn-in.How to overcome the inherent adding in of supply points to the next turn.whereby the cards will give a Bonus"larger map...and also there will be a Bonus from taking of supply spots on smaller map...which will by Definition or percentage some amount that had been held by the opponent,and now isn't.That will also then based on the smaller Map{ REsupply % modifier of how many smaller regions are owned subtract from that number to be resupplied to the FORT,as it doesn;t own those regions around the Fort..
Vauban Master Edition Xtra Credit.......
Allow the players to set-Game play up with....
No Spoils,no cards......whoa..?
Xtra Cards...XTRA men,Canons,horses...XTRA supply points....
FOG of WAR/No FOG....
XTRA main feature can be allowing the players the abilty to " SET Objective's" from a drop down,prior to game start....
those can be, but not limited to...Eliminating an opponents= 20 supply points.or X..?...or getting some particular Fort X supply points or men...ETC
or some spot on the smaller/larger map holding certain regions for X amount of turns....allow the players to reconfigure the BATTLE Scenario/Objectives to some allow for a variety of Game player style's...Slow/Fast...Strategy..NUKE..Asssasin{ TEAM Play}......and those Objectives will allow this map/Game to be played with many versions but the same Map/Star Fort as it's centerpiece...
Apply to the " Site Masters' create an Award..Designated the " Vauban Master" the shape of....a " STAR" players whom acheive 50 Vauban victories or some amount to give them credibility as a Vauban Master..ETc...
May I suggest starting the Strategy guide as a follow on to the map being built...thus all aspects of what BETA/Currently is,and parts of the Game that is known and built or written vs having to keep it possible to make that so the add-on's /updates can be I or others working on this will know where things as to offer help/Good suggestions.?or bug fixes....ETc..
Well this should keep you busy for a day or so....hehehe...alrighty a week...Please just look over what's above,....think to yourselves...what would you do to help this project...How can you make this game one of the best ever and one you'd want to play...and become good at.What is leftout.? comments covering this games buildout are why I'm writing them anyone a chance to Help...which I hope many will.!!!
Take Care and have a great day...
Happy Trails
Swamp Fox
If you've pm'd me..for some reason I haven't gotten ANy...whew use my Wall..please...and if necessary..I'll give my email.