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Cybercity: The Uprising

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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:35 pm

I'd chop off 1/4 of the regions/territories around the map, to allow for extra space.

The map has so many territories so that i can create distance between the different types of artillery... and so that the way they will be used will differ depending on other variables at the time... The size provides for flexibility as to how the map will play out... also, if all the bombardments start neutral 3 that leaves 104 for random deployment which is handy, but i'll have a think about what i may be able to do...

Those territory labels are just too tiny. You'll have to bring them up at least two points... ...For the legend, consider using different colors for the section headings than for the list entries. With just one color, it all blends together and it's difficult to decipher.

no worries, i'll see how i go

Anyway, that's all gameplay stuff that probably can be addressed more in the next forum. Conceptually and visually I like it.

Good work :D

Thanks duder
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby 00iCon on Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:59 am

I'm enjoying it so far so i'll leave a comment to follow the thread.
I understand you want different bombardments, but they don't have to reach that far, and for the further ranged ones it should also have a minimum range, lets say bombards between 3 and 7 territories inclusive. but her you get the technicality of looping back, damn. And the other can fire up to 3 territories away.
I would leave a different comment now depending on whether you want randomly spread territories or starting positions with neutrals everywhere.
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:51 am

...further ranged ones it should also have a minimum range, lets say bombards between 3 and 7 territories inclusive...

i see my rules aren't quite clear, they have minimum range 7... i need to make room for the words '(no max range)' as that was the intention...

i am currently resizing things and seeing what i can cut out. I don't want to take away from the current territory layout too much... maybe the fire zone or De-militarised zone can be removed, if i remove the DMZ i may have to change the ranges and reposition the big guns, to keep it all balanced, so i don't really want to do that, but there may be way around it)...

also i am tossing up ideas for a key to make targets easier to recognise for bombardments, will probably put borders on the sides of the little screens that i have used for army circles, maybe using four small lights down the left side that indicate if the territ can be targeted by the short range bombardments and three lights on the right that indicate the same for the big guns and the missile...

I will repost another b&w outline once i have figured these things and how to address the points previously posted... be done by tomorrow I'd say, then we can take it from there...

cheers for all the feedback guys, it's very much appreciated :)
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:56 am

...I would leave a different comment now depending on whether you want randomly spread territories or starting positions with neutrals everywhere...

i intended to have a random spread for deployment with each player getting three armies on each territ they control at the start (the 7 guns can all start nuetral 3)...
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:39 pm

Where did you get the sprite icons? Nowhere copyrighted, I hope...

the individual licences are attached to each icon set... the icons i have selected are all freeware. is this okay?..
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:27 am

... just an update on how the new map is going, the new plan is to have 80 starting territs and 23 neutral territs, i will remove 8 territs from around the map to create a bit more space... probably 2 from the arcology, 2 from the agri-domes, 1 from the nexus and 1 from each outland... the neutrals will be the caches, bombardments, auto +/- sites and the docks...

this should free up enough space to shuffle things round a bit...
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:07 am

Click image to enlarge.

... this is what i have come up with for the new layout... i have removed 11 territs and slightly enlarged all of the smaller ones, it'll be a squeeze but i think everything will fit now...
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:20 am

PS i will be removing the dock from the agri-domes... lost two of the neutrals when i took out the fire zone so there will still 80 starting territs
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:54 am

update... new draft will have 75 territs total, will be finished in a couple of days and i will post it in a new thread... cheers again everyone...
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:00 pm

Click image to enlarge.

... still got a long way to go yet, but i thought i'd show how it's going
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby MarshalNey on Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:20 pm

I'm still liking the overall look a lot, and the new organization for space in the legend will only help.

Your bonus listing is MUCH easier to read, and the gameplay elements are clearer...
However, as a fair warning I think that some of the bombardments will still need to be simplified a bit. Here's a rundown on each and the possible problems/solutions:

1) "May bomb any special territ except defenses."

My Impression: It's an interesting idea, and it looks like this map's uniqueness will lie with its theme and the variety of different bombardments. It reminds me of some kind of grand artillery (missiles/rockets included) battle, which is perfect for a futuristic war. I wish the different bombardments could have names that would evoke a reason *why* each does what it does. For instance, why can this bombard only attack specials? Does it track only certain energy signatures, perhaps, and home in on them? Or maybe this bombard causes very severe but relatively small-scale destruction- the type that could utterly destroy a facility but has no chance of significantly damaging a whole region? Could this type of bombard be called "Drones" or "Cyborg Death Squad" or "Tac Nuke" for instance?

Problems: Gameplay-wise, it is very clear in concept, but probably will not be so clear in execution, if that makes sense... I know where you're going with it, but the details will be hard to make explicit to anyone playing this map cold. How will a player know what territ is 'normal', which is 'special', and which is a 'defense'?

Possible Solution: This is probably soluble by simply adding these definitions to the legend. You've got a little free space, but not much.

2) "May bomb any territ within 4 territs distance."

My Take: This bombardment is straightforward, the normal short-range artillery. It's good to have something like this, if only to serve as a means of comparison with the other two non-standard bombards. As for a name, you can use a less explicit one as long as you're going for a standard artillery piece idea; maybe 'Long Tom' or 'Thud Gun'?

Problems: As someone else mentioned, 4 is probably higher than some players can comfortably count, and it certainly makes gameplay analysis a headache. Even a range of 2 territs can be a bit of a pain. What's more, you'll have to be careful to take impassibles into account for this type of bombardment- can a bombardment leap over walls for instance?

Possible Solution: Again, illustrative graphics may save the day on this one... if you can show a radius of bombardment for each of these guys, it would help tremendously. In any case, the goal should be to make the bombardment immediately explicit at a glance.

3) "Bombs any territ. minimum of 7 territs range (no max)."

My Take: My initial reaction to this bombard is, 'Wow this could ruin a fog of war game." If you can plaster the entire map with two of these suckers, it also means you'll be able to see the entire map. There are ways to mitigate this effect, but overall I like this bombard the least. Still, it is unique and for that reason alone it's worth consideration. Maybe lower the min. range and give it a max range? I've no idea what to call this bombard.

Problems: Similar to the previous bombard, this bombardment requires players to count higher than 2. A lot higher, in fact. Also it's really powerful, although this can be balanced by making them hard to get, high neutral, etc.

Solution: I'm working on a draft of the battle of Gettysburg that I might post soon, and anyway in it I have a rule where the cannons can bombard either their own bonus area, or bombard their own bonus area plus any adjacent bonus area. This give the cannons different ranges without requiring the players to count, plus the colored regions make it immediately obvious what can be bombarded and what cannot. In this case, it might work to make this bombard say, "Can bombard any territ in adjacent bonus areas, but not in its own bonus area." (or something like that)

Anyway, as I said earlier these problems can probably wait for the Gameplay Workshop as your concept of a bombardment map seems clear enough. Just keep the updates coming, Bob :)
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Industrial Helix on Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:48 pm

This is looking a bit more promising with bigger territories and, hopefully, simpler instructions. Keep it coming...
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:26 am

Wow this could ruin a fog of war game.

there is no reason why they should see the whole map... they cannot shoot at targets inside of 7 territs range... this means they overshoot most of the map, they can really only see the left side between them... the silo however, can see heaps of stuff... but it is in the centre of the map... makes it a good strategic objective + it will be starting neutral...
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:33 am

nearly there... here's today's update... should be starting new thread with proper draft very soon...

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:42 am

as you may well notice i intend to play with the ranges a little bit... i think max 3 for defenses, minimum 6 for the big guns...

PS i like the names doris and betty for the big guns... maybe defenses could be changed to lasers if they have to, but i don't mind the name personally... consider the silo a working title... maybe ion beam/photon beam... something about the word nuke doesn't seem right (might be the scale)... suggestions welcome...
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby 00iCon on Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:25 pm

The agridomes... i assume that's meant to be glass? instead of drawing lighter and darker shades as blobs, try to draw them smoothly, as you would for a sphere. it's hard to describe...
And perhaps instead of trying to make territory borders, you could try to colour the regions in different shades of the floor texture you're using with small border lines.
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:26 am

The agridomes... i assume that's meant to be glass?

i tried to give them a plastic look... some kind of futuristic polymer, i do want to smooth them out a bit but i don't want a them to look smooth and shiny... i've just shaded them to give them a bit of depth.
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:29 am

PS the agridomes need work... i'm happy with the arcology (the dark blue one) and the nexus
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"Cybercity: The uprising" V2.0

Postby Bob XIII on Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:31 am

Click image to enlarge.

Map name: 'Cybercity: the uprising'
Total territories: 75
Starting nuetrals: 15

Changes since last version:
Smaller: It's about 2/3 the original size, this was to make more room in general.
New display: now has different coloured text for easier recognition, a more accurate description of the bombardment rules with a targeting aid in bottom right corner, smaller icons and larger text on the map.

I would very much like any feedback people may regarding this map so far... even as much as a like/dislike- here's why... would be heaps appreciated...

all 7 artillery, 3 docks, 3 dropsites and the 2 irradiated territs will start neutral, with the artillery having 5 armies (probabaly) and the others having 3 armies...

also, the bonus for beta and gamma are wrong and need to be swapped...
Last edited by Bob XIII on Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cook Bob XIII
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:33 am

Last edited by Bob XIII on Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cook Bob XIII
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Re: "Cybercity: The uprising" V2.0

Postby Bob XIII on Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:49 am

i've also just noticed that beta 3 is missing a light on the right side to show it can be bombed by the silo... let me know if you notice anything similar...

PS cache 2 needs to be cache II and all the proper nouns need to start with capital letters...
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby TaCktiX on Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:24 pm

Please update your first post and your last post for map versions. Development should be purely in this thread, no need to spawn duplicates. Thanks.
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:27 pm

TaCktiX wrote:Please update your first post and your last post for map versions. Development should be purely in this thread, no need to spawn duplicates. Thanks.

... oh sorry
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby 00iCon on Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:54 am

I think it's clear that the fonts should be more consistent, i.e. the same. Or completely varied, with the fonts and colours of the territory names, matching the font and colour of the continent name.
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Re: Cybercity: The Uprising

Postby Bob XIII on Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:17 am

I think it's clear that the fonts should be more consistent, i.e. the same. Or completely varied, with the fonts and colours of the territory names, matching the font and colour of the continent name.

i agree... i also think i may rename some of the territs and give names to alpha 1 , 2 etc. i still can't figure out how to rotate text after it has been warped in photoshop 2... would like to do this in the nexus especially, to have the text follow the curves of the rings...

i will redo all the text once i have this worked out... and maybe play around rendering the domes differently for the next draft...

i'll try a couple of variations of text layout and put them up...
Cook Bob XIII
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