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A Statistically-Balanced Classic Map?

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A Statistically-Balanced Classic Map?

Postby johnnyb1 on Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:42 am

There seems to be a three main issues with the Classic Map:
1. Australia has a lopsided advantage
2. Europe is hard (actually, damn near impossible) to defend.
3. South America doesn't quite get enough troops in a long, drawn-out game.

I would have to run the numbers to get the exact statistical numbers needed in order to make a Statistically-Balanced Classic Map (or perhaps just later tweak the numbers based on experiential results from games played), but I'm envisioning the continental bonuses going something like this:

- Australia: 19 per turn
- Europe: 54 per turn
- Africa: 30 per turn
- South America: 22 per turn
- North America: 50 per turn
- Asia: 70 per turn

- 10 troops for every 3 territories held, with 30 being the minimum per turn.

- In order to assuage the first-mover advantage on big-army maps (like with City Mogul), there would be a neutral territory on each continent with 100 troops on it.

It would be a map that we would revisit from time to time in order to revise as needed. The goal would be to have roughly the same percentage of people winning the game no matter which continent they take first, adjusting for skill ratings of course.

The basic goal of this hypothetical new map would be to solve the current issue whereby whoever takes Australia has a disproportionate chance of winning.

Any comments?
Last edited by johnnyb1 on Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sergeant 1st Class johnnyb1
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Re: A Statistically-Balanced Classic Map?

Postby rdsrds2120 on Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:52 am

Your intentions are great, I like 'em.

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Re: A Statistically-Balanced Classic Map?

Postby natty dread on Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:40 pm

Hey, the classic is a classic. I don't think we really need another... if you don't like the gameplay, there's a zillion other maps you can play.

Besides holding Australia is by no means a free pass to victory. A lot depends on game type.
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Re: A Statistically-Balanced Classic Map?

Postby Teflon Kris on Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:55 pm

Yeah, I dont think we need another clasic-style earth map, especially with Small Worlds coming along etc.

However, your gameplay scheme would be cool to use for a new fantasy-world.

Big army deployments each turn reduce the role of dice luck. Although, they conversely increase the role of first-turn luck (aka City Mogul). We only have one map like this, so more would be cool, and if you can find a way of restricting first-turn-advantage then you're onto a winner.

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Re: A Statistically-Balanced Classic Map?

Postby johnnyb1 on Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:29 pm

@rdsrds2120: Thanks!

@Natty_dread: I don't expect this statistically-balanced classic map to replace the classic map in any way, shape, or form. It would simply an alternative map for the small percentage of players who might want to reduce the role of luck in the game and increase the role of strategy.

@DJ Teflon: I edited the post to reflect a neutral zone in each continent, which should relieve the problem of 1st-mover advantage.
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