by natty dread on Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:19 pm
Typical gameplay scenario for a 9 territory map - Sequential: Whoever starts wins. Freestyle: whoever clicks assault fastest wins.
Far be it from me to discourage a new mapmaker-to-be, but you have to put some more effort into this thing - coming up with a good idea for a map is the hardest part of mapmaking. Well, if we don't count the 6-18 months you spend working on the gameplay and graphics, that is.
9 territories? Come on. What would even be the point?
Secondly, even if you increase the number of territories, what would be appealing in a game of tic tac toe? We already have conquer 4. How would this be better, why would people want to play this? You have a grid of squares. They are full of numbers. They fight crime assault each other. Whoop de doop. A good strategic map needs gameplay structures that encourage strategies other than stacking and/or assaulting blindly. Or mad assault dashes in freestyle.
You can think of something better, if you just put your mind to it.